About mume.net
posted by Mandor
2004-05-27 19:50:51

Mandor 2004-05-27 19:50:51
Ok, sofar 18 people have registered, but not yet activated. Anyone got any thoughts of why?

And another thing, two people have tried registering with characters not existing on mume.

This makes me wonder how many of those eighteen did not in fact register themselves.
Unknown2004-05-28 09:12:16
well i try to register with char on mume but still failed...
Mandor 2004-05-28 12:51:48
Failed? Please contact me on mume in that case.
Ninjzor2004-05-30 13:53:29
I have registered, but I'm too lazy to log on and do that thing with the registration-code (which is a superb thing). I'll do it this week, I promise!
Mandor 2004-06-03 21:28:44
Should aliases be rename to nicknames or characters, to avoid confusion?

Many people doesn't seem to instinctively understand what I mean by the term alias.
Amras 2004-06-03 22:06:05
Bagger 2004-06-04 00:07:03
Characters would probably be a better name yes :P
Not that I misunderstood it! no, not at all! understood compleeeetely!
Zain 2004-06-04 00:19:31
I wonder when you add an alias you have to type it with a capital letter? Surely if you just write it all in lower case it should still understand it anyway?
Zain 2004-06-04 00:20:01
By the way the glasses after your name look really cool but I don't want to turn off non-registered comments, there should be a way to get the glasses anyway.
Mandor 2004-06-04 00:57:07
Hehe, that ugly icon? I made it myself actually!
Mandor 2004-06-08 09:49:28
Currently comments can be 1024 characters long. I've seen a few complaints, would you like them longer?
Phantasm 2004-06-08 10:33:24
I have registered here, and i have another 6 or so chars waiting activation codes :D
Mandor 2004-06-12 15:37:10
I'm thinking of adding more 'groups'. Is that something you would use?

(there are currently 2 groups you can see, "General logs and discussions" and "Account logs and discussions".)

Would you use more groups, like PK, RP, Silly and such divisions (all can be seen from the same page, or just one, with the filter menu, which you already can see).
Zain 2004-06-12 16:15:03
I've a few suggestions:
1. Normal PK.
2. Lame PK (overkills etc.)
3. Whines (linkless killed etc.)
4. RP logs.
5. Miscellaneous.
Aredhel 2004-06-12 18:05:33
Unfortunately having Normal PK vs Lame PK, and Whine categories would amount to a rating system. That's something that is best avoided. Thinki about "informational catogies" - i.e. PK, no-PK, RP, Misc, Funny, Fake, etc
Zain 2004-06-12 19:29:05
Nah, not rating. Just so people can decide where to put their logs, so people who don't want to see linkless whines or lame overkills can choose to avoid them.
AndrĂ³g 2004-06-12 21:43:35
Zain, my experience has shown that people will read them anyway. %)

About the site, perhaps make it impossible for "not registred" to comment under ANY REGISTRED name? Then, those who have registred themselves, can at least be sure that noone is trying to "be them".
Mandor 2004-06-14 13:17:28
The categories are for the posters to choose. No ratings will be done. It won't be impartial about the sender otherwise.

I will continue to let anyone comment under any other name, feel free to post as Mandor or anything. This will make people learn that only star-marked comments can be trusted as having genuine senders.

I don't want to force people to register.
Mandor 2004-06-14 13:33:26
And as you will notice, all comments from me will be star-marked.
Mandor 2004-06-14 15:00:55
Removed a few immature comments regarding my own sexuality (posted in the name of Mandor).

They were also very much out of topic.
Caejis 2005-03-23 09:51:59
Hey Mandor, any chance of making the HTML tags recognize upper-case instead of just lower-case? It gets a bit confusing trying to figure out why the tags don't work, until you remember that it is currently lower-case only.

<I>Tags like this</I>
<B>only work with</B>
<U>lower-case letters</U>
and it really
gets annoying
having to remember.
Joss2005-03-23 10:46:36
I tried with 3 chars to get an account but didnt figure it out straight away. My problems:

a)Didnt find the register-button on main-page.
b)Thoght my mume mail contained password instead of registrationcode so waited for it to arrive(and for it to be convenient to log into that char).
c)Once after a long wait I got my registration code and realised that i had entered a password long ago, I had semiforgotten password. Main problem I realised later was that the first letter has to be Capital letter policy. Dont know if I had to but it resulted in me making pwd in capital letter too, which i never do normally. So, i got more accounts to other chars which i never registered since finally i got joss to work.
d) I am known to be a bit dense at times thou, so maybe my problems are not universal. Thanx for a good site btw.
Rik 2005-03-23 11:30:57
Do something about the layout maybe?
Mandor 2005-03-23 13:09:08
Caejis: I'll add those to the allowed list today.

Joss: Joss, are you sure you have a login? You've written here as anonymous (not logged in) and without a star.

You can merge accounts yourself. If you apply for a new alias, character, then any old account using that name will be disabled, and moved to your current one.

This only happens when someone types in the activation code properly, so people can't hijack other's characters.

Feel free to come with suggestions how to improve. Graphical design is a character flaw of mine.
Joss 2005-03-24 19:09:57
Mandor writes:
Joss: Joss, are you sure you have a login? You've written here as anonymous (not logged in) and without a star.

-Quite sure. Thanx for merge-tip. Just wanted to give feedback from what I experienced as user.
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