What is tested right now?
posted by Mandor
2004-06-01 22:27:02

Mandor 2004-06-01 22:27:02
Right now I'm testing the colourization of logs. If you are feeling adventerous, head over to the settings page, enable a few of the colours and start reading logs!
Mandor 2004-06-01 23:29:15
If you in any log see an enemie (surrounded with *) who is not coloured (bold black) please copy that enemy, paste it in a comment either to the log or in this thread and I'll add it.
Wiseman 2004-06-02 00:43:59
You should also make the account settings page a form using radio buttons so its clear what your current prefs are...the way it is now you cant see what your current prefs are.

Also, none of the colorization options seem to function...
Mandor 2004-06-02 00:51:34
All links in the settings which are underlined are ON, those which arent are off.

And if you read the text in the colour-box, it says it's currently not completed. (but if you turn off 'enemies' they will not be coloured anymore, that one work)
Faint2004-06-02 14:26:17
cant you like, steal ERs logscript? cause if you ask me, they are perfect...
Mandor 2004-06-02 14:37:44
I wouldn't steal from anyone, not even them. Secondly, I haven't seen that script.
Zain 2004-06-02 14:47:39
I did some script once which put colours in logs. Mainly a case of a shitload of regexps. Even better than ERs cos it highlighted room-names properly, and even coloured in fighting messages!
Mandor 2004-06-02 14:50:52
Yes, fighting-messages I know how to program (just check BSC's logpage, it has all those things) but roomnames are .. difficult.

Right now Im perfecting automated cleanup of jmc logs (they are really really bad at newlines).
Zain2004-06-02 17:52:36
I did it so it just takes anything with only letters in, but with every word starting with a capital except for a few specified words like 'in' and 'on'. It sort of works.
Rik 2005-08-02 11:28:09
Rik 2005-08-02 11:28:26
Rik 2005-08-02 11:29:55
    Ha ja
Fix2005-08-02 11:31:00
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