Learning from mistakes
posted by Unknown
2004-06-08 04:22:43

Unknown2004-06-08 04:22:43
After all the complaints about the old version of this site, with anonymous posters and bad logs, many MUME people became fans of ER. I dislike ER, but it appeared that the majority of MUME players liked it. Thus the following questions naturally arise:

Why did people come back to mume.net? What are you expecting from it? What did ER do that mume.net should not do?
Unknown2004-06-08 07:27:18
Mume.net had the following advantages IMO:

1) It was simple, mostly there was just the logs and the wall to read and that's it. No YASNF.

2) No account system. ER has some obvious problems with character separation (logs from anonymous characters visible on the profile page etc) but also if you play Sherlock a little you can connect a character to a player.

3) Commenting policy. There are still some racist etc comments left on old logs which is NOT ok, but on the other hand no one ever got booted for, for example, making a funny non-english comment.

4) Like fine wine, women and previous versions of mume, logs only get better with age. And there's an abundance on mume.net.
Zain 2004-06-08 14:34:43
Pardon me but what does 'YASNF' stand for?
Mandor 2004-06-08 15:14:20
Yet another so called feature?
Mandor 2004-06-08 15:14:47
Ok, maybe the "called" should be some word beginning with N, heh.
Phantasm 2004-06-08 21:34:01
I don't like unknown people! Show yourself!
Zain 2004-06-09 12:08:41
Then put your glasses on!
Phantasm 2004-06-11 15:10:10
haha your funny.. NOT
Alantir 2004-07-08 17:43:58
YASNF - Yet Another Social Networking Fad
Sogard 2004-07-08 23:21:44
What I've liked about mume.net was that it isn't policed like ER is. I'm sure that if people like Vaire just let ER have anything posted, Manwe would probably do something harsh like demote them, or maybe they just don't want controversy there, but I've liked the freedom mume.net seemed to have, and will hopefully keep.
Sogard 2004-07-08 23:24:05
damn you tainted my post with italics, Alantir. :P
Ukhor 2004-07-11 19:08:53
bah, vaire is a nazi, i hate ER cuz of her
Unknown2004-07-11 22:23:47
Betcha, Sogard, Manwe would never demote any V+ whatever they do. I doubt ER management never posted anything Manwe didn't like. I'm sure he doesn't even read the site more than once per RL year unless someone asks him to.

Plus, what exactly did you see policed there? "Anti-American" postings? Like Manwe would care. ML spam? Like Manwe would care. Insults addressed to Valar? Enough of that has been posted, hasn't it, so he probably doesn't care either.

Yuck, this almost sounds as if I was defending Manwe. But what I am saying is, I do not believe it is he who is policing anything there or that he would even try.
Aredhel 2004-07-12 23:18:46
er is not an official MUME site, so I am sure Manwe wouldn't do anything independently of its content (and surely not based on message board content). mume.net, uncesored, was in Gothmog's domain for a while, so consider this a slightly less faulty example :-).
Boofhead2004-07-15 07:51:32
I liked the old mume.net, the stupid comments by An Estonian. ER has it's place, same with mume.net
Elizalde 2006-11-11 18:27:07
Its even funnier when you know who started the "An Estonian", and now there are several trying to be like the first. 8p I agree though, mume.net certainly has its place just as ER does. (I know I'm commenting on a 2 year old thread, but so what!)
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