Weirdest MUME happenings!
posted by Phantasm
2004-06-14 08:17:23

Phantasm 2004-06-14 08:17:23
In inspiration of the new log, (and my reply of my strangest encounter) I decided to post this discussion! Please tell us of your most weird accountances so we can talk over them :)
Aredhel 2004-06-14 08:28:32
3 years ago, I bumped into a guy on RTT. It turned out that he was a really old player who hasn't played in a while and so had no idea about the new MUME quirks. After an hour or two of conversaiton, we exchanged god names.

Oh!, - he said, - I know you well! You gave me your character called SoAndSo when you quit MUME some seven years ago (yes, that used to be quite legal).

I didn't remember that at all. Nor the guy. I did use to have a character with that name, but for the life of me I couldn't remember what happened to it. Several other people chimed in that they do remember me giving away my char with that name. So kids, be nice to people around you, you might find old friends eons later you never expected to find -- or old enemies =)
Phantasm 2004-06-15 04:04:21
Heh thats very peculiar there :P
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