How do you get/stay in the mood to play MUME? I often get tired and stay up to play MUME.
2004-06-17 10:34:08
If u get tired of mume, do like me, take a half year break from it, got no problem getting tired of it now, maybe it's not so good though, ruining my spare time :)
2004-06-17 10:46:05
Not so much tired of it as too tired to really be able to play it. Used to be able to focus for like 12 hour uber-sessions but no longer...
2004-06-18 01:42:23
Why on earth would you want to play anything, if you're not in the mood to do so?
2004-06-18 03:12:51
because i want to but cant get myself in the mood
2004-06-21 18:55:12
I recognize your problem Sulla, I am having it also. I can only stand a couple of hours :(
Blä! I want to be a hardcore mudder and play all night, but I cant :(