Which Movie villain are you?
posted by Mandor
2004-06-21 13:58:55

Mandor 2004-06-21 13:58:55
Jahara2004-06-21 15:23:45
Jack Torrence, although some answers I couldn't quite fully answer so I think it's bunk :P
Sogard 2004-06-21 16:35:30
Agent Smith.

The star wars music it plays from Force Commander is so goddamn horrible/annoying.

Welcome to Rivendell, Mister Baggins.
Aredhel 2004-06-21 18:12:25
Sheesh. People still roam the web with speakers on these days?

[Jack Torrence, go figure]
Conspiracy 2004-06-21 18:48:54
Muhahahaha! Darth Vader!!!

"Oh yeah, your skills with a lightsaber are freakin' awesome!"
Mandor 2004-06-21 19:57:44
Agent Smith here.
Milzok 2004-06-21 21:01:15
Haha I was O-Ren Ishii - Kill Bill, that rocks :D
Aredhel 2004-06-21 21:13:17
Milzok is cool. I want to be cool too :-. I want to be California Mountain Snake!
Mandor 2004-06-21 21:30:09
Agent Smith

You're just like Agent Smith from The Matrix. You're super-motivated, physically powerful and know a crap load about computers (mainly Internet porn). Your main weakness is your quest for total power no matter what the consequences. You are no good to humanity because you're a virus, you feed off other people. And plus, you talk super slow!
Sogard 2004-06-22 03:25:30
Nod Mandor.

Idisagreeabouttalkingslowitalkveryfastfastlikeagnome! :)
Sung2004-06-22 06:49:04
Hannibal Lecter.

I wanted to be Darwin Mayflower, or maybe the Penguin :/
Hanne 2004-06-22 08:31:25
Bleh I got Norman Bates, probably only because I would like to murder someone in a shower.
Chark 2004-06-22 12:51:00
Tommy DeVito
Byggare 2004-06-22 15:41:55
Gollum :
Andróg 2004-06-22 16:15:11

I'm Agent Smith too. *hug Mandor* ;)
Milzok 2004-06-23 00:45:26
I want to be Tommy DeVito too!
Bagger 2004-06-23 00:57:40
I was Tommy DeVito!
Andróg 2004-06-23 19:37:48
Whaat? That fatass? I better come and make sure you're eating no (blue) pills there!! ;)
Shalani 2004-06-23 20:01:20
Hannibal Lecter.
Though, i did not reply that I would cook my victims.
Now, in fact, this might sound a bright idea after all, I'll think about it... and taste maybe...
Pedrag 2004-06-23 20:04:20
Dr. Evil from Austin Powers... didnt even see that movie :(
Milzok 2004-06-23 21:21:01
Hey Androg, he might be fat, but he has 10 thousands more balls then Neo has! (Maaaaybe cause he is kind of dumb, but anyway). No one is as cool as Tommy DeVito! :D
Kril 2004-06-25 20:29:24
Tamme, you got Norman bates because you have an edipus complex....
tushie2004-08-02 21:08:36
Tommy DeVito
Samir2004-08-03 03:12:16
Simon Gruber from Die Hard
Naga2004-08-03 12:10:35
Gollum, apparantly, on an attempt to roleplay Naga =p

Pity this quiz doesn't show any cool evil guys :)

Ghaleon woulda fit nicely in here *nod self*

Anak2004-08-03 13:30:24
Agent Smith
Amras 2004-10-07 06:52:39
w00t! Tommy DeVito!
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