Warhammer 40k
posted by Mandor
2004-08-08 13:43:27

Mandor 2004-08-08 13:43:27
Are any of you interested in that tabletop game? If you are, you might want to check out the computer RTS Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War Open Beta.

Only online multiplayer and 1vs1 skirmish is included. It's squadbased and very goodloocking. The units are alot bigger than in other RTS, and you seldom control them one and one, just the squads.


One needs to get a gamespy id, but it's fairly quick to get (no need to wait for the confirm mail).
Conspiracy 2004-08-08 18:10:11
Warhammer fantasy battles are the only real thing to play. Just had to say it. Anyone else plays?

I am going to start collecting a dark elf arme. Since there are no BN army :/
Naga2004-08-09 17:18:57
Cheer conspiracy! Druchii powah!
Tushie2004-08-09 17:32:28
I signed up.
Tushie2004-08-09 17:40:03
I am at this part

Your unique key is: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Now what do I do>?
Mandor 2004-08-09 18:49:48
Now you download the beta (630mb) and play!
Mandor 2004-08-11 14:02:15
The beta is now closed, no more serials nor downloads will be avaliable for now.
ImperialFistCommande2004-09-17 09:36:48
Space Crusade rawks!

My lab played it the other night.

It was fun!
Bornack2004-09-17 16:59:16
hehe, and they have just released new rules to the table top game aswell :) i might even start collecting a new army again.....

anyone else play the table top game ?
Mandor 2004-09-19 18:27:20
Yepp, I'm building an ork army.
Unknown2004-09-23 23:25:50
Looks like a broke-arse Warcraft...sry
Mandor 2004-09-23 23:43:14
Just that it's about 20 years older. It's warcraft who copied warhammer.
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