I also found Brainsurgeon's greatest contribution to MUME to date posted on the troll board:
Message 18140 : Re: hey newbie (Brainsurgeon)
Written on Wed Oct 6 09:48:17 2004
Nope! Shit does not happen! Shit actually takes quite a lot of time!
This guy is obviously going to a major contributor to MUME society.
At the time, I noted that there were a couple of char names that seemed a lot worse than Crapsack playing troll at the same time.
Crapsack is an EXCELLENT troll name. Trolls are primitive and vulgar beasts. Crapsack is appropriate and VERY rp. Crapsack has a crude edge without being overtly offensive. (When I defended the name, Yavanna haughtily dismissed the reasoning and told me it was not my "place" to argue because the name was "deemed juvenile." Apparantly I am not only juvenile, but so insignificant that I cannot have an opinion or defend my choice of names. *sob*)
One character that I pointed out to Yavanna was "Brainsurgeon." Yavanna told me that "Brainsurgeon" was talking with Staer to come up with a new name. Today (a week later) I logged on a retired char (because that's all I have left now) and lo and behold "Brainsurgeon" is a hero+ character with a title and everything.
What I though particularly amusing was that Yavanna could only associate "crap" with "poo" (her term) and that's why the name "Crapsack" was so offensive to her. We don't want "poo" jokes apparently, although I had not made any to anybody at any time so I'm not sure where that came from. Crap, of course, has other connotations, which makes a name like Crapsack delightfully ambiguous.
If the "name police" are going to have "standards" (however screwed up) they should at least have the integrity to apply them equally to everyone. This looks like the typical MUME justice system where the offense if defined by who you are (or who you talk to) rather than by what you did.