Off Topic
posted by Mandor
2004-10-25 12:01:07

Mandor 2004-10-25 12:01:07
Seeing the new fashion of posting out of topic posts, in basically any thread you can see, Im thinking about how to remedy this.

Either I'll get a new account option:
  • Ignore OOT posts
Which would make them invisible.

Either that, or I'll simply move them to an OOT thread, where people can spam all they want without destroying other debates.

What do you think?
Mandor 2004-10-25 12:23:01
If these offtopic posters keep at it too much, they'll simply be banned.

I want you to be free to discuss things without the fear of censorship, but don't go destroying for other people.
Blabbermouth2004-10-25 16:06:34
You are over-reacting.
Ukhor 2004-10-25 17:12:22
I don't think you're over-reacting, its damn irritating having to put up with those posts. I think that you should get that "Turn OOT Posts Off" thing, that sounds like a great idea. GO MUME.NET!
Naga 2004-10-25 17:42:10
OOT comments: okay

Mindless spamming everything you see: no no no
That pretty much is graded the same way as those vulgar remarks I've seen on the Grafitti Wall.

I do cheer this on though, as it is a start to try to fix the bad vibes that are associated with
Unknown2004-10-25 20:11:50
At the very least, you could put some image like this golden star on them, signifying that they are off-topic.

But the option to ignore them would probably work as well. As would moving them to a separate thread.
Boofhead 2004-10-26 02:58:46
I don't like this feature :(
Blabbermouth2004-10-26 03:03:33
The little minus sign is cute. I thought it would be something more germaine, like an "A" for Androg or maybe Sogard's picture. I guess it is okay though. Be forwarned, you have taken the first step on a slippery slope to total content control. Every step gets easier.
Mandor 2004-10-26 12:03:53
OOT is a bad name though, so I renamed it OT, Off Topic.
Mandor 2004-10-26 12:07:26
Another way of reducing the number of OT posts in your threads, is to make them readable only for accounts. Anonymous posting still allowed, but less convenience for unknowns who just want to spew OT.
Mandor 2004-10-26 14:10:48
Changed the name of the discussion, since I changed the name of the label.
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