Post your ascii art here!!
posted by Nimawen
2004-11-26 12:37:35

Nimawen 2004-11-26 12:37:35
I spent ages on this ascii and it doesn't fit on my whois :P
rather than let it go to waste i'm using it to start this disscussion, lets see arda's best art here!

% . %
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% * 88888888$0$$00 * ** %
% /(.)..(/).8888888$0$$$$00.//(L.|)/ . %
% m||88$$$$SH$ | %
% %

(looks better in colour)
Nimawen 2004-11-26 12:38:39
dammit that looked right in preview!
Rancr2004-11-26 12:39:33
yeah, justification could be used here *wink*
Nimawen 2004-11-26 12:45:59

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% m||88$$$$$$$ | %
% %
Nimawen 2004-11-26 12:47:01
dammit i give up!
: )
Ert2004-11-26 15:41:36
looks like someone stuck a bow in the poor fellas mouth :)
Zain 2004-11-27 02:40:27
That's absolutely dreadful, what an absolute waste of time. How embarassing.
Scotchmonger2004-11-27 03:54:06
I think this would look okay if it was in color and I was like really, really drunk. I'm off to get wasted. Try to have it colored by the time I get back.
Nimawen 2004-11-27 18:25:36
i do have a colour version but since i can't seem to get the alignment right in a post i won't even think of trying to get colour on it (if you can in
if anyone wants to see the colour version send me a mail in mume and i'll send it to you.

is anyone going to post some pictures? : (

(mume is the ultimate waste of time, every other waste of time pales in comparison :P )
VanGogh2004-11-27 19:07:20
Here's one I call Snowflake on a Stick:


I hope you liked it.

Unknown2004-11-27 19:23:28
I wonder what the heck is wrong with alignment... *comf Nimawen* Looks like it might be a nice picture if you straighten it out.
Sogard 2004-11-27 20:31:08
I call this one, The North Star:


Damn i'm good. ;)
Unknown2004-11-27 20:31:58
$$$$$$$$$e zdP**
' 4$ ^"*$$$ed$$$$$.
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4$F e$$$ "$$$$e ee$$P"" z$$P ^b - $$$$$$
Unknown2004-11-27 20:33:01
That's pre /pre for you amateurs!
Nimawen 2004-11-27 23:05:42
i love north star! pure and simplistic and it works on so many levels

snowflake on a stick is very good too : )

unknown i did use pre /pre but it still condensed some of it. the preview without it looked much worse, the preveiw with it looked just right but then looked wrong once posted.
LennyDaVinci2004-11-27 23:45:03
Scusa mia Englasia, but disa one, I call 'em da Squasha Bug ona da Sidawalka.



Nimawen 2004-11-28 01:34:53
sorry lennydavinci but this one sucks
back to the drawingboard!
Boofhead 2004-11-28 02:13:20
/-~- /
/ )' a a `(
( ( ,---. ) )
`(_o_o_)' /
`-' /
| |---| |
[_] [_]

Pork chop gnam gnam

Boofhead 2004-11-28 02:14:00

, ,.~"""""~~..
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_/ (' ( _( `~~,__________..-"' `-<
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; / / / .'
/ / `' .' /
/,_ .',_(
/___( /___(

Boofhead 2004-11-28 02:14:28
Ack they aren't spacing too well :(
Unknown2004-11-28 02:25:54
Nice one, Boofhead, even though the spacing messed you up too.

Who was the guy with the ASCII sleeping cat? Mimm? (Can't login to check now.)
Nimawen 2004-11-28 02:27:37
never mind i can get a good impression of it
nice horsey :P
i like the curly tail on the pig

any character pictures out there?
BennyDaVinci2004-11-28 06:18:20
Ecuse my brothir for his terable english, u see I am the smahrter 1 in mi fameley. I wuld lik to prezent you a speschial artwurk of min, wich I call "Rodes of the Grate Sity":


- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Nimawen 2004-11-28 14:05:23
you definatly are the brother with all the talent
this is a work of art!
unfortunatly it has little commercial value and you will not become famous till a long time after your death
Andróg 2004-11-28 18:02:13
I can do this too!!

| '_-
|___>===*` - - - - - - *BANG*
Sogard 2004-11-28 21:26:19
I call this one, Grey on Grey:

Nimawen 2004-11-28 21:42:11
Funnypeople2004-11-28 23:21:30
it seems that everyone in mume has way to much time on their hands and thats why there so damn funny ! theyre honing jokes !
sogard your damn hilarious
aldweth2004-11-28 23:24:57
I call this, Profanity :

F*#$ off you Stu*&^% As$H*&@e
Nimawen 2004-11-28 23:28:30
profanity is good, but i think you'll find that its not a picture

Save profanity and your other creations for a poetry discussion.
Andróg 2004-11-29 14:57:10
Sogard, your drawing is misleading!! No way would Grey sit silently when he's given that big bunch of empty paper to write on!! ;)
Alderik2004-11-29 15:48:06

(()__(() _____| | *tock*
/ {_____ | *tock*
( / | <-*)
o o / / | |(()
(_()_)__/ HHH | |"/
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Sogard 2004-11-29 16:25:44
But Grey =| Gray. :P

I was tempted to call it Gray on Grey though, but it's just to poke fun at the art 'experts' who find the "White on White" to be a masterpiece, when it's a blank canvas that a secruity guard donated, and was known to have said art buffs are stupid enough to like it, He was right! :P

I call this one free weights:

Bobby2004-11-29 18:33:30


Nimawen 2004-11-29 20:16:08
Andróg 2004-11-29 21:16:55
This is a hobbit:
Andróg 2004-11-29 21:17:33
This is a hobbit:

Is better though. :)
Bobby2004-11-29 22:37:37
"Hobbit with a Doughnut"


Phantasm 2004-11-29 22:37:52
I got one for you.
There I did it.
It's called shift enter. HAH!
Bobby2004-11-29 22:44:36
Hobbit Playing Basketball

_. O __|
'-' . ' yy
Bobby2004-11-29 22:46:54
Hobbit Playing Soccer


Andróg 2004-11-30 00:02:01
Hobbit goes to sleep:
_. /
Nimawen 2004-11-30 01:00:50
hobbit decapitatied by passing orc

<" ____
00 '0' _.
-''- -''- '-'

Nimawen 2004-11-30 02:24:06
wo! look what i just found!

The Gateway of Moria
. @$* @$3
, 4$Lze@*$C2$b* ed(he*rb$CC$*$bc@$r
/@ |~~ .e$$"W$$B$B$** ^$ e""##d?$Bd$$$Nc. .. @/~
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@/ . z$Ted*"$P zue$*9d$$$@## . #W$e@B$$L. "#@$E$b@N
#d$Id*P# 'Nd$$B$**" .*, "#*N$$b$c $$$*$$c
.d#+C6J @@$B$*" -***- "#$$$$c *$$$#$u
..u$l4@"^"zJ$7W*" '*` ^*$@$$$r "$$E$@B>
*@$l$P"+Rd$$N#" * /| * '"$$$c.. ?E$*b
z$ "*. .Jz$" *** / | *** '*@N$b d**N
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4" $ $ $. zm$*****h. ue""""*h6 J$" $
Nimawen 2004-11-30 02:24:57
ack! it cut the bottom off :P
Bobby2004-11-30 03:53:20
"Hobbit Looking at the Gateway to Moria"


Elromir2004-11-30 19:17:50

Ted Sandyman.
Andróg 2004-11-30 23:02:56
A drunk hobbit lying on the Old East Road.
Andróg 2004-11-30 23:04:47
erm! It removed a '' I had there!!! Lets try again

A drunk hobbit lying on the Old East Road.
Andróg 2004-11-30 23:06:09
Ok... so automatically removes / which are "bent" in the other direction...
Nimawen 2004-11-30 23:35:12





Nimawen 2004-11-30 23:35:41
your damn right!
Nimawen 2004-11-30 23:38:34

number of backslashes
\ 2
\ 3
\\ 4
\\ 5
\\\ 6
Caejis 2004-11-30 23:40:51

Nimawen 2004-12-01 00:00:22

% . %
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% <-80____^____ ))))) ____ } %
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% /(.)..(/).8888888$0$$$$00.//(L.|\)/ . %
% m||88$$$$SH$ | %
% %

Nimawen 2004-12-01 00:04:29
close enough

| ,dP""8a "888888b, d8b "888b ,888" |
| 88b " 888 d88 dPY8b 88Y8b,8888 |
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| `. "":;;;;;;;;;i>>>>>>>>>>>>>, ,' |
| `-._``":;;;sP'`"?>>>>>=========. |
| --..._______...|<[Hormel | |
| `=========' |

Mandor 2004-12-01 00:37:38
                                _       _
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.''-----" `'. __|_=_|=___| `\`\_/./`'
`-----------` (((__(((_____) `.__/

Calvin and Hobbes.
Rashnak 2004-12-01 01:17:50
Me (maybe)

/ xxx/ \
|^| |R|
(#)---| |
V\ \_/
| | |
(\ | /)

Elromir2004-12-01 05:48:01
A sword:
      __/  /_
       /  /
      /  /
     /  /
    /  /
   /  /

Mm ok looks like the cross kinda.
Boofhead 2004-12-02 02:52:40

/| , |
/' | /( ) | `
/' | `~~~~~' | / `
/' , / / / `
/C | ___ | / C
OC | ` ` ' / /' | CO
OC / | ___/~ /~_/__ | CO
Oo | /' ` ' ' `/ | oO
OC | | : | | CO
oOC /~~~_ | ;,__,',__,; | _/~~~ COo
oOC | ' _|_ /` // | COo
oOC | ~ | _|_ | /~ | COo
oOC , _______/ / , / COo
OC ` _____/ / / /' CO
O ` , / / ,/ /' O
O /~~ _ |___| /_// /~~ O
| `, | | | | / ,/ | /
| / / ''' ``` | /
| / / |/
` VVV~ ~VVV /'
Boofhead 2004-12-02 02:53:07
WTF! Doesn't turn out. On the preview page it looks perfect :(
Nimawen 2004-12-02 03:30:41
use < pre > before picture (without spaces)
and < /pre > after
also anywhere you use a backslash \\ use double the amount you want :(
Boofhead 2004-12-02 05:26:16

//| , |
//' | //( ) | `
//' | `~~~~~' | // `
//' , // // // `
//C | ___ | // C
OC | ` ` ' // //' | CO
OC // | ___//~ //~_//__ | CO
Oo | //' ` ' ' `// | oO
OC | | : | | CO
oOC //~~~_ | ;,__,',__,; | _//~~~ COo
oOC | ' _|_ //` //// | COo
oOC | ~ | _|_ | //~ | COo
oOC , _______// // , // COo
OC ` _____// // // //' CO
O ` , // // ,// //' O
O //~~ _ |___| //_//// //~~ O
| `, | | | | // ,// | //
| // // ''' ``` | //
| // // |//
` VVV~ ~VVV //'

Boofhead 2004-12-02 05:27:13
                  /                  \
/| , |\
/' | /( )\ | `\
/' \ | `~~~~~' | / `\
/' \ \ \ , / / / `\
/C \ | ___ | / C\
OC | `\ \ ` ' / /' | CO
OC / | __\_/~\ /~\_/__ | \ CO
Oo | \/' ` ' ' `\/ | oO
OC | | : | | CO
oOC /~~~\_ | ;,__,',__,; | _/~~~\ COo
oOC | \ '\ _|_ /` // | COo
oOC | ~\ | _|_ | /~ | COo
oOC \ , \ \_______/ / , / COo
OC `\ \ \ \_____/ / / /' CO
O `\ \, \ \ / / ,/ /' O
O /~~\ \_\ |___| /_// /~~\ O
\ | `\, \ | | | | / ,/ | /
\ | / / ''' ``` \ \ | /
\| / / \ \ |/
`\ VVV~ ~VVV /'
Boofhead 2004-12-02 05:27:46
That's better!
Picasso2004-12-02 05:53:58
Boofhead: Maybe it's just me, but I like the first one best.
Boofhead 2004-12-02 08:41:25
Thanks.... I think?!?!?!
Unknown2004-12-02 22:17:21
======) 0:)
Andróg 2004-12-02 23:25:28
Don't argue with Picasso, Boofhead!! ;)
Boofhead 2004-12-03 02:27:43
No, of course not! Wouldn't dream of arguing with picasso!
Unknown2004-12-07 00:31:56
wow i think ur all tools

Boofhead 2004-12-07 08:47:08
A tool? Hammer? Saw? Rake? A tool of what kind?
Nimawen 2004-12-07 19:26:11
to make it completly clear to us what sort of tool we all are,
why don't you send us a picture?

Andróg 2004-12-07 20:05:49
Fingerprints of the God...
Buzzsaw2004-12-08 05:35:04
i'M a bUzZZZsaW. EvrY tiME i TRy to dRAw a pitchUR, i cUT mY penCiL iN HaLF. *siGh*

Nimawen 2004-12-08 15:18:39
Unknown2004-12-16 00:26:24
Dunk2004-12-24 19:09:40

Troll butt!
aTroll2004-12-24 22:15:29
(____( )____)

Dunk butt!
Unknown2004-12-24 22:19:14

Mrs. Hobbit


Mr. Hobbit
Guido2004-12-25 11:36:09
Hobbit playing soccer and holding a donut in both hands.

Bobby2004-12-26 00:44:39
Guido: Is there any way I can get an autographed copy of that? It's MAGNIFICENT!!
Zain 2004-12-28 18:42:41
Haha sogard, this is what I call free weights:

Bobby2004-12-28 18:58:17
I call these ones expensive weights:

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