posted by Help
2005-02-07 19:26:16

Help2005-02-07 19:26:16
some places wont let me connect to mume because there server security wont allow you to connect to another service it will cut you out is there any way i can get past this so i can play mume from anywere such as offices and places with firewalls schools and suchs
Arzantor 2005-02-07 19:36:26
Help2005-02-07 19:49:07
thanks for taking your time to post you were alot of help Arzantor
Unknown2005-02-07 22:41:30
Try using a different port. "Help firewall" says MUME lets you connect to 4242, 23 (telnet), 81-89, 443 (https), 8000-8999. At the very least 443 (https) is pretty much always open, and 23 (telnet) might also be.
workinman2005-02-08 08:02:23
I play from work and thus, from behind firewall. I use port 23 and it connects just fine.
Bruno2005-02-08 09:02:46
I punched my bossman a couples times and now I gots a good connectshun again and a raise!
Help2005-02-08 16:54:19
so i would type this in command prompt
start telnet 442
start telnet mume.pvv.org23
is that right?
Help2005-02-08 16:55:51
Nope it still wont work it will just close the telnet window automatically can anyone post a link to any of these ports? please
Dhaka2005-02-08 17:22:30
I am having the same problem to what do you mean by https do you mean to tell me not to type in to telnet or do you mean to tell us to type it into the address bar above, if you mean to type in the address bar above then can you give me a link or show me what it looks like cause I wanna play from places to but some places wont let me. I tried this Start Telnet 23 but the thing wouldn’t let me connect to mume mind you I did this all in command prompt I tried this to start telnet 442 what else should I try or where should I try it and what does it say to you “Help” when you fail to connect?
Tushie2005-02-08 18:39:17
In windows XP, you would click on the start bar then Run

In the command line type telent press enter

telnet will open to a curser

then type open 23 or open 4242 or open XXXX.
Unknown2005-02-09 00:31:25
or maybe or boss or parents or what so ever have blocked telnet.. u need to use the one at

and click mudjc
Tushie2005-02-09 20:09:44
mudjc doesn't work for me, it tries port 4242 and well that's blocked.
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