posted by Rattus
2005-02-15 18:34:40

Rattus 2005-02-15 18:34:40
This program is like IM except you can talk to people over your microphone and speakers. It's free. Thought I'd mention it, would be nice to use while playing mume. Kinda like a lab.
Borrikawn2005-02-16 03:41:48
This is a very cool program... I have been using it for a while! The problem is that it takes a heck of a huge chunk out of your bandwidth... so unless you have a rockin connection, in most cases mume lags like a cow!! It is great for meeting and flirting with girls though!!:)
Joacim2005-04-27 13:29:16
Eh... ok? Skype sucks compared to Ventrilo / Teamspeak!
Me and my mates have been using Ventrilo for like 2 years now.. (for playing MUME, Counter-strike, Quake etc etc...) You dont even feel that you are running it (regarding your shitty link etc :P). Try it out!
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