Most despised
posted by Blackheart
2005-03-01 08:43:01

Blackheart2005-03-01 08:43:01
Who is the most despised player on MUME as of right now. For those of you who are in a nostalgic mood, share your thoughts on some of the more despicable bastards of the past.

My vote for current player is Lowyn because she is so selfish and never goes out without an overkill group.

There have been some real stinkers in the past, too. My personal unfavorite is Hanse, who really screwed me once when we were doing the White Worm for hides. He pretty much turned me off supermobs for eq after that. I still hate that asshole. I think he was not generally despised though, at least not as much as Mourneblade or Isaldren or Santana or even Lowyn (who has been around long enough to make both lists).
Elaros 2005-03-01 08:46:20
Well the attitude of Lowyn is somewhat strange....she reports people when they insult her but insults back and nothing happens, she clearly breaks rules by logging another char and bitching on narrates after she was (again) slain by darkies....
Unknown2005-03-01 11:31:26
I would be happy to be proven wrong, but I think you made this thread mostly to pick on Lowyn. If I am right, I think it ridiculous and sad that you felt you had to do it.

On my top list are definitely Pallnit with his crowd of samesiding retards, and also players who keep creating throwaway characters for samesiding or sameside-looting. Of the older ones I would list Grang.

On my top list are also a number of liars, bug and broken functionality abusers, high god favourites, and more. I don't particularly care to enumerate them all, as it would make a really long post.

Lowyn is not on my list, because even if we credit Lowyn with overkill (yes, I hate those groups too, but note that she's done quite a few brave charges in the past, unlike some others), we have to admit that we have and had quite a few of other overkillers who, unlike Lowyn, never take a risk. Same goes for Lowyn's language - others behave the same or worse. If your whitie with nice eq goes idle or linkless in zone with Lowyn, you can have no fear - Lowyn is not going to pkill you, whereas quite a few other whities would.

And for the record, I remember Hanse being cool. I don't know what your argument with him was about, but if Hanse could reply, I suspect his side of the story might be completely different.
Elaros 2005-03-01 11:40:12
Im not speaking about killing or overkilling, i dont care about stupid PK, i was speaking about her behavior :/

P.S. maybe some "expresions" are common in US but in in some countries if you called someone freak they would break you nose...on the other hand they would laugh if someone changed your cowyn...
Elizalde 2005-03-01 13:24:58
I despise the darkies who are fun to be around, that whine about overkill and too many pukes playing, and then turn around, retire stupidly after death, and go join the pukes with some high level puke of their own(adding to the larger groups).

Or the "real troll" a player claims to be, but during crappy months goes to the puke side to play. (That's a "real troll" eh?)

I can't name current names, because I don't know who currently plays mortal. I just know six months ago, those are the kinds of people I despise. 8)

I don't think so many people would have a problem with Lowyn if they would just leave her alone to begin with. What do you expect someone to do, or how to behave, when so many people are giving her a difficult time?! Duh...
Elaros 2005-03-01 15:56:54
I have nothing agains her...but last time she died, she logged another char and stated bitching on i narretad (with some funny comment :)) that she should calm down because its a game and stop breaking rules, she started insulting and i insulted back...i know its harsh to die on her level and loose several milion exp...but general if someone cant handle it...they should not play it....

But back to the discussion....

I despise people who despise RP :/ *spit*
Sogard 2005-03-01 17:41:39
Incase you haven't noticed, Lowyn's a cleric, not the best soloclass, and if she soloed, you can bet your ass half a dozen people would hunt her down for the easy xp it'd give. Her bitching and crying when someone cals her a name gets old.

Btw, no character loses several million xp in a pk death. When Nruso was lvl 98 or 99, he had the xp chart that showed the reqs for lvl 100, and if PK loss is 1% of your total xp, you'd lose around 1mil to a pk death near level 100. Mobrips though, are another story, those would result in the loss of enough exp to make a legend level character. :)

Grang's a given for old, old players (altho he was gone shortly before i came here).
Gray's on the shitlist of any serious troll player.
Rashnak and others who sameside any puke with a red aura are assholes as well, and serial pk of that nature should result in a listing, the arguement that evil align = villian is tiresome.
Pallint for known reasons, same with Snakr.
Marillion and the other racists.

Someone's bound to list Aza, Luke, or others like them for playing the way they do, but most of the people who list them either lack the ability or resources to play like them.

Oh, and NSL, fucking noskilled uberlinked overkilling assholes. Overkilling and gacing my orc when I first started playing them...
Arzantor 2005-03-01 18:42:20
Gray has to top the list surely. A lot of the players mentioned here do obnoxious shit just to gain an advantage or because they think it's fun, Gray's the only one who did it just to make someone's life miserable.
Arzantor 2005-03-01 18:46:28
As for Lowyn, well, when you're well-known and female, you can get away with a lot, whether that be breaking char-seperation rules, or insulting someone and crying to teacher when someone insults you back. I don't know her personally so can't vouch for her character, but from what I've seen she just comes across as a whiny bitch.

Pallnit needs his account nuking, as does Snakr. Why he was allowed back I don't know. What sort of message does that send out? "Cheat, and you can come back and play again!".

Also a thread like this can't pass without Tulkas being mentioned. What a spineless power-abusing fuck. Ruined the fucking game just for a power-trip. Why he remains an Arata I do not know. When you actually called him on his bullshit he just shat his pants, what a loser. He thrived on bullying people.
Sogard 2005-03-01 19:29:07
Apparently Staer said something ot the effect of bans beng useless on people like snakr, which translates into none of the arata knowing how to code anything better than an ip ban, or just not caring. Both have the same chance of being valid.

Eh, it's not like the current higher ups don't do the same things Tulkas did. They're just not legally retarded. Altho Staer not knowing what DT is reminded me way too much of Tulkas thinking Daemonette wasn't an eglish word.
Arzantor 2005-03-01 22:57:36
It's not an English word, although it would be valid in English.
Elizalde 2005-03-02 13:22:53
Well-known female players do NOT get away with as much as the public MUME would like to think.

Lowyn seems to take care of her group(I've seen this endless times when one of them was low and she has come back to rescue them) and even the solo-players she has come to support out of nowhere, so I'm sure when she dies herself, and felt there was not enough group support, she would whine and bitch on narrates.

And your 'funny narrate comment' to piss her off actually worked, eh? Suprise, suprise.

You wonder why people get riled up.
Elaros 2005-03-02 16:36:21
Funny means it ended with ":)" only, nothing more, nothing less...
Unknown2005-03-02 18:47:08
In my experience, successful well-known female players also get harassed horribly for being female, in particular on certain web boards, because certain people believe it is a lot of fun to harass women.

In fact, this all looks so bad that I would hazard a guess that being female is Lowyn's worst MUME problem and the reason she gets harassed so much. Not overkilling, not language, not any arguments she might have had, not any assistance from the gods with this problem that she might have got. I think the situation would have been a lot different if Lowyn was a guy.

My advice to any woman who plays MUME would be: never tell anybody you are female RL.
Britney 2005-03-02 21:07:52
Character called Unknown has an hate-list! OWOWOWOWOWOO!
Arzantor 2005-03-02 21:19:35
I'll play devil's advocate, and predict that if no-one knew she was female she'd be at least 30 levels lower. Being a female in a game full of frustrated males has its advantages.
Butch2005-03-03 03:55:05
It aint helpin' Britney.
Sogard 2005-03-03 05:13:21
Lowyn gets picked on because people know she's easy to fuck with. If she didn't take such bitchy action when called Cowyn, or things that 995 of the MUMe populace hears during pk, she'd get picked on alot less. Personally, I think Staer should tell her to shut the fuck up and deal with it. If everyone complained like here we'd all be playing inside the morgul vale.
Cowyn2005-03-04 01:41:28
More people should pick Sogard.
Tushie2005-03-04 02:36:45
Personally, I don't any problem with any person on mume. I also feel I should stick up for Lowyn, this week she gave me a cc ring just because. Lowyn also has showed up to save my bacon, when I have been pking and needed a bob. I enjoyed trapping her a while back, but we all like to win at pk. I don't even have a list of players I can stand, even grang and I had an agreement. I don't insult people either and that might have something to do with it. I try to treat other players with respect and Il find they respect me. I understand why some people might feel different, but I feel I can trust Lowyn and I will continue to group with her.
Tushie2005-03-04 03:11:30
I meant to say a list of players I can't stand.
Unknown2005-03-04 05:02:53
Just a litttle hint when you lose a lvl to mob at 70+ it's 3 mil when you pk die it is 1 mil xp then increases 100,000 each 10 levels so by 90 you lose 1 mil 300 xp or so
Unknown2005-03-04 05:03:37
I meant 300k+
Sogard 2005-03-04 17:47:13
Eh, the vast major of people who dislike me are those who the rest of the community don't really give a damn about, or just can't take having someone disagree with them.

Besides, when have I ever pulled anything like Gray, Snakr, Lowyn, pallint, Grang, whomever? :P
Snork2005-03-06 07:20:03
I have to agree with Sogard, he is more pitied than despised. We need to keep these lists straight.
Elaros 2005-03-06 07:29:47
Well if the the majority is 99,99%...and the rest of the community 0,01% i have to agree with Sogard :o) You are right man ! you are the best !
Sogard 2005-03-06 22:17:34
Considering the type of people that 'pity' me, I'd have to say I'm doing something right. Besides, what makes you think I care what some of the MUD's scum think of me? ;)
Shakespear2005-03-07 00:46:14
Methinks thou doth protest too much, dear Sogard.
Unknown2005-03-07 21:27:35
Heh...Sogard sure thinks highly of himself - The vast majority of people that don't like him are people that nobody cares about...heheh I guess that means that if you do like him, everyone will care about you!

You're an idiot. (but at least you have the balls to post under your own name, I know.)
Sogard 2005-03-10 03:48:45
No, I just speak the truth. People who don't like me are players like Guido, Snakr(and his 'lab'), Androg, and Eder.

Just because I don't care what a bunch of whiny people think. The unknowns mianly, doesn't mean I think highly of myself, it means I look down on trash. Cheaters as asslickers make up the people I don't like and who don't like me, and that's a fact, period, EoD.
Sigmund2005-03-10 05:43:23
You are suffering from delusions of grandeur. The only cure is jumping off a bridge and landing on sharp rocks. Have a nice flight.
Elaros 2005-03-10 06:46:48
"Just because I don't care what a bunch of whiny people think" and you are what ? not whiny people ? are one of the greatest mume whiners, who is never seen on mume itself... ;)
Andróg 2005-03-10 10:29:02
No, I just speak the truth. People who don't like me are players like Guido, Snakr(and his 'lab'), Androg, and Eder.

So you're saying... just us?... ROFL. Show me a player who actively posts on who does like you!
Unknown2005-03-10 21:21:20
Elaros and Androg took some of the words out of my mouth. One more thing though, Sogard.

When people need to prove to the world that they are cool, and that they matter, it is an instant sign that they are not.
Sogard 2005-03-11 05:24:19
You've got some problems if you find the need to prove yourself to be cool to a bunch of people on a mud, unknown. Don't confuse my looking down on some people, as a way of trying to act cool, I'm simply stating what I think, such as Androg is a management brown-noser who always jumps to defend them when I badmouth a bad change (like the wps 'fix').

Androg, other than ajax, lochdale, ling, nazgum, bale, griand, beowar, care, and the slew of people I've helped as my ranger, or pked with? Probably about the same amount as you, with the difference being I speak to more of them outside the game that you probably do (excluding those known irl). If you used your brain, you'd see I used you and a few others as an example, not a set list.

Don't worry Elaros, I play. Not as sogard tho, but it needs altered more than rerollling will allow, so it's just easier to make a new char and level it, which is what I've done, more than once thanks to the bob change.
Andróg 2005-03-11 09:51:25
Sogard, first, quote me a line where I've actively taken a side in a wp-"fix"-discussion. You can't, because I don't take part of those discussions. Ok, I bet you're going to say that it was just an example, but in that case misleading and very bad example.

And about defending a bad change. First, you flame everything they do. There's practically no difference, whatever change comes you jump out of your hut there in middle of those corn-fields (:P) and start flaming how much that, as usual, really sucked. People would actually listen to you if you bothered to actually think and evaluate the situation before writing, but instead you simply write one of your standard posts about how much X sucks. And also, most of your arguements also become irrelavent and useless after we've taken into account all the bases of this game, all the goals and the actual situation. Your arguements very much remind me of Razoor demanding that the Vale should be moved to Lorien. But such things will never happen. They won't even be considered. Yet some people (like you) continue suggesting such things over and over and over again. Perhaps it'd be time to stop playing then, because obviously this is not the mud you want to play?

oh and, I understand that to be cool and popular and whatnot on this outside-MUME forums one needs to flame management on regular bases, but that becomes utterly stupid when one does that just be cool for all the cool pkers...
Sigmund2005-03-11 17:16:32
Androg has cleverly stumbled across the problem with Sogard. He is oppositional defiant. He just argues to hear himself ramble. The only cure is to strap on 20 lb. ankle bracelets and take a long walk off a short pier. Have a nice swim.
Unknown2005-03-11 18:46:46
Sigmund you been snorting lines again?
Britney2005-03-11 21:55:33
Two persons who full of themselves are in flamewar :D
Elaros 2005-03-12 07:41:53
hmm...but i think im on Androg's side ;) maybe because the all mighty and everknowing (whiner) Sogard is on the other side..
Arzantor 2005-03-12 10:13:52
Surely only a skinny mume-nerd would drown due to 20lb of weight?
Sogard 2005-03-13 07:20:53
I was referring more to your tedious bitchings about my posts only being about changes they did that I thought were bad, and I know you've given your little smartass comments more than once when it came ot wps. You might have some ground to stand on if i was the only one lobbying the same isue over and over, but i'm not, yetidiots like you think that because the management is too ignorant to care what their players like, thus ignore things many ask for, that it's pointless. Newsflash retard, if you don't succeed, try, try again. Everhear that saying? It works. I bugged several Arata abot a few minor bugs/'features', and they ignored me several times until about the 3rd or 4th time I told nienor about them, and she agreed to look into it and BAM, several of the things were adressed.

I sent ever arata a long, details mail about the 'current'(pre-'fix') wps system, and flaws it had, and an idea of how to possibly make it work better, and even threw in a PS about the ability to toggle number/text for the wps, just for kicks, and I think the only reply i got was from Fror, saying they were already fixing the wps problem. The fix is what we have now, the exact same fucking system that was in place when wps were vis, same bugs and flaws, just new messages (whoopie).

Sigmund: I've been a lifeguard(BSA and red cross certified) for the past 7 years, a 20lbs weight isn't going to affect me much unless i have to swim several hundred yard. :P
Andróg 2005-03-13 11:10:02
I know you've given your little smartass comments more than once when it came ot wps

As I said, quote me then. Show me that line, where and when.

And I mean line where I'm really talking about wps not where I'm just posting in the same thread.
Elaros 2005-03-13 11:13:04
Btw only because im curious, why you Sogard wanna visible wps ? to see your zero or maybe 10 wps ? or you think the "majority" of players needs them ? :o))
Warpaint2005-03-13 18:37:19
You basically have visible wp already. There are 13 levels. That's 13 numbers. Everything in between is a fraction. How many numbers do you need? If it was changed to a numeric system would you continue to whine because you can't tell if you have 8.1 or 8.3 wp? Of all the whining in MUME, this stupid perpetual grumbling about visible wp is the most asnine. WP should just be taken out of the game anyway. You get wp for nothing and "warlords" are just a bunch of hyperlinked cheating ubergroupers anyway. Why reward that?
Warpaint2005-03-13 18:38:50
And just to stay on topic, I pick Sogard for most despised.
Andróg 2005-03-13 20:36:58
You basically have visible wp already. There are 13 levels. That's 13 numbers. Everything in between is a fraction. How many numbers do you need? If it was changed to a numeric system would you continue to whine because you can't tell if you have 8.1 or 8.3 wp?

Warpoint, you're ingenious!! Sogard, read the lines I quoted and read them again! Wait sec... knowing Sogard I'm sure this would not be suitful for him either. =P
Unknown2005-03-14 01:39:35
I can come up with what I consider a good reason to want visible wps. The trouble with the current 13 levels is that it appears they are not a monotone function of your wps - they also appear to be a function of who is online or of what happens around you, except at the ends of the scale, where whether you're a warlord or have 0 wps is indeed accurate. (Help wps says, "Thresholds for these levels are not absolute, but relative to the average performance of one's allies.") In the middle of the scale, your wp level can go up and down within a few minutes without you even getting novoid.

That is one respect in which I believe the old, visible wps were better. On the other hand, IMHO in other respects they were worse: newbie slaughter for 1-2 wps comes to mind.
Yawn2005-03-14 05:34:35
Who cares whether wp are a fixed number or relative to who else is online? One isn't any better than the other except maybe that a "relative" scale is somewhat an internal measure of a relationship among those persons who are online or whatever the damn things are relative to. Without wp being relative to something they are meaningless anyway. If you have a 145193154818121 wp it is not good or bad unless it is relatively more or less than whatever somebody else has. The bottom line here is really simple. Shuttup about freakin' warpoints already and get back to talking stink about Sogard or at least Lowyn or maybe Anathir cause he sucks too and might even be Sogard because I've never seen them together.
Arzantor 2005-03-14 19:05:18
"Warpaint" that's the lamest argument against war-points I've ever heard. I mean, it's so stupid, it's not even worth ridiculing or arguing against. Just like Androg to quote someone without offering anything himself other than some dick-sucking.
Warpaint2005-03-14 20:49:10
Arzantor: You just don't understand because you are dumb. Sorry, no point wasting time beating around the bush.
Elaros 2005-03-16 06:51:21
Arzantor why you wanna visible wps when its obvious you never reached lets say...those few battles ?
Unknown2024-08-31 07:46:46
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