! Mume.net chopstick awards 2005 !
posted by Rancr
2005-04-06 15:15:24

Rancr2005-04-06 15:15:24
nominations pls!
RancrAccountII2005-04-06 16:01:13
I nominate Rancr!!
Mandor 2005-04-06 18:14:46
Chopstick awards? For people who play using chopsticks? Or will a pair of chopsticks be the reward? What's up?
Sogard 2005-04-06 19:19:00
Glowstick spinoff I'm guessing, but some info is still needed here.
Rancr2005-04-06 19:20:43
i was in the middle of posting while some bn jumped into me on tbad, gimme sec i post some info asap.
Unknown2005-04-06 19:27:25
Cheater of the year ? Snark...
Rancr2005-04-06 19:27:51
Accepting nominations for:

Best whitie log

Best darkie log

Most funny log

Most memorable log title

Best commentor (the one who dont whine, flame etc. and posts useful comments!)

Most funniest comment


Any suggestion on more "sections" to be add would be cool.

Andróg 2005-04-06 19:34:34
Uh. At least be creative, Rancr! ;)

Don't just copy it from my project.
Tushie2005-04-06 19:40:44
How can you acuse him of coping? Isn't he banned at ER?
Rancr2005-04-06 19:42:06
dude these are the MOST BASIC nominations i coulda tought of:P didnt even checked your thread, only title.
Andróg 2005-04-06 22:34:26
Tushie, afaik only his account is banned. So he can always read ER, he just can't "log on" (and do everything related to that). Right, Rancr?

Anyway, perhaps you could concentrate on something else then... like

1. Biggest f*ckup.
2. Most worthless cheating attempt.
3. Most pathetic overkill
4. Most overpowered.

Aredhel 2005-04-06 22:59:34
I'd consider this an interesting poll if it where over all mume.net logs. Frankly, statistics over people's bookmarks could serve the same purpose.
stats2005-04-07 03:18:22
Naga 2005-04-07 09:58:57
Well Androg, he'd have to log in to be able to read the discussion from the beginning if there are more than 30 messages so far, and there are :)

So he couldn't have read your list! *nod self*
Rancr2005-04-07 10:01:56
Btw, old logs count too!
Taloth2005-04-07 10:18:37
Actually he can read all comments. You just rightclick on the "Only the last 30 comments..." and choose "Copy link location" then paste it into the adress bar and remove the secure/ part :)
Unknown2005-04-07 10:39:29
Androg, stop whine on rancr!

rancr go, rancr go!
Andróg 2005-04-07 11:30:11
Naga, Rancr has several friends who can log in to ER, so that's not going to stop him. ;)

Unknown, I'm not whining on Rancr, I'm just giving him some advice how to make his awards a bit more "intriguing" and interesting. :)
Naga2005-04-07 15:12:25
Androg: so you're saying that your nominations are not interesting and intriguing?

Andróg 2005-04-07 15:15:04
I mean he should find something which is interesting and intriguing even when there already is a similar competition existing. I didn't say anything about Glowsticks.
Tushie2005-04-07 18:56:12
To Androg.

Androg said, "I'm not whining on Rancr, I'm just giving him some advice how to make his awards a bit more "intriguing" and interesting."

Why are you suggesting these awards?

1. Biggest f*ckup.
2. Most worthless cheating attempt.
3. Most pathetic overkill
4. Most overpowered.

That isn't the most supportive thing you could have said. You started this thread by accusing Rancr and now you’re mocking him. Why do you make it personal?

Rancr by far has contributed more to this site in terms of interesting logs than many of us including me, I would be happy to see him receive some recognition for it. His logs make my work day go by a little faster, and his advice has always been right on.....and for that I am grateful.
Unknown2005-04-07 20:03:29
"Rancr by far has contributed more to this site in terms of interesting logs than {anyone else}."

Right, just like professional wrestling is more entertaining then a REAL fight, and after the baseball players took steroids we still thought of them as great heros.
Andróg 2005-04-07 23:57:15
Oh, c'mon Tushie! I haven't accused or mocked him or anything. Just a bit of teasing, and Rancr knows this well himself too. ;) Why should I be aggressive here anyway? You're just imagining this. And I wrote those just as first things I could think of which would be different from Glowstick awards.
Leo2005-04-08 05:33:17
I nominate rancr too =>
Elaros 2005-04-08 08:04:57
Most demoted levels...
Most deleted characters...
Most time spend in Morgul Vale...
Most enemies killed by cross-race fights...

Naga2005-04-08 09:34:52
Unknown: there are things that are interesting, and there are things that are important. And yes, I found professional wrestling very entertaining, mainly because it's funny as hell and real fights suck :)

So, whom of you do play with chopsticks? I sometimes eat rice with chopsticks! Never tried playing though.
Rancr2005-04-08 09:56:53
Well, winners of the categories will receive a pair of chopsticks so they dont have to wash their kitchen tools all the time they gotta eat something.
So all winners message me their addresses later:)
Elaros 2005-04-08 10:52:41
I have never whined about linkless kills :) but today i have to for the first time...
My human warrior lost link in tbad inn (for half hour ISP broke down)

On the twenty-first of Blotmath in 2947, you were slain at the Entrance by
Morwath the Black Númenórean (while feeling less in control of yourself than
usual), and fell to level twenty-three.

So my linkless killer award would go to him ;)
Elaros 2005-04-08 11:07:22
And yes im somewhat pissed off :P but on the other hand...i can now linkless kill freely with the same excuse he has...i thought you were AFK :o)

P.S. i hope you are such an experienced player and killed me in 2 stabs because its unlikely you would spam hit hero smiter to death...
Unknown2005-04-09 01:28:18
best commentor on mume.net: Unknown, he has much wisdom, and has hundreds of posts, he even argues with himself sometimes! a Truly amazing individual.
Unknown2005-04-09 10:13:55
I agree!
Taloth2005-04-19 13:03:15
1. Biggest f*ckup.
------ ME!
2. Most worthless cheating attempt.
------ ME!
3. Most pathetic overkill
------ LUKE
4. Most overpowered.
------ NOONEeeeeee!
Morwath2005-04-19 18:28:32
Elaros, you can't see whether your opponent is linkless or afk. in your case- i came to shady stabbed you once and left, came back after couple of minutes and stabbed again. since you fled down and were awful i decided to finish you, not proud for it but i did !
Elaros 2005-04-20 12:37:08
Well, im over it...but if you stabbed me twice and knew im linkless...you suck :p and i will be always happy to linkless kill you or watch while mobs are chopping you like pig..you are......hmm maybe im not over it :/
Morwath2005-04-20 15:56:06
Well i told you that i came back after couple of minutes since shady beat me up well. You were still in shadys room, i didnt know whether you had cured yourself or were searching, i usually don't tend to ask my opponents "sorry can i stab you?". i landed another one and you fled down i decided t ofinish.
Elaros 2005-04-20 18:04:31
Excuses excuses :o)
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