Classes other than mages with staves
posted by Domino
2005-04-17 22:31:45

Domino2005-04-17 22:31:45
Hey guys:) With all the talk concerning staves and magic users, it got me thinkin. How do staves work for classes other then magic users? I have just created a hobbit scout, and I kind of thought that a hobbit scout with a staff would rock..?? I have done some research, and a staff with nothing inbedded gives 10 pb and -10 spellsave. If I were to inbed a bracer... 5 pb, an iron bar... 5pb, and a star saphire... -20 spellsave, then supposedly the focussing process gives more pb, would this give me as good a parry bonus as a good shield? It appears that it would give as much if not more pb then a gilded, plus the advantages of -30 spellsave, glow, and eagle calling abbilities! I would very much appreciate any comments on this subject, it sounds like something I aughtta look in too:)
Thanks a lot guys:)
Caejis 2005-04-18 03:29:19
You can't bash using a rough staff as a shield, and I'm pretty sure it would be the same for foci staff.
stats2005-04-18 04:45:00
hmm calling ablities why not make a pbs if ur a scout or db ring
hmm if u want to focus a staff... have fun getting chant as a scout, u'd like to make a thief-mage then but those are good at high level i've heard
Rancr will inform u, he is the all knowing on
Domino2005-04-18 08:43:39
With my hobbit at least I wouldn't be bashing... and it is possible to prac a few pracs in enchant and bless then decay them off:)
Tadej 2005-04-18 10:06:36
Yea and die every 5 minutes, looted, and practising enchant back and decaying it again? Dont think so. Besides, *agree* Ceejis, have fun chanting a staff.
Tryalno2005-04-18 21:38:08
The main problem with your idea is that to chant for the focus, even with a high %, decaying pracs for enchant every time you rip, you would still need 90+ maxmana, and good scouts don't tend to have mentals or age high enough for that. Anyways, for the pb just get a bejewelled shield, it's lighter too.
Britney2005-04-19 09:52:00
Mmmm old days when all warriors had staff in their third arm to ease the strength,shield(ex armour),bless etc casting! :P
Unknown2005-04-19 11:27:13
You should know that staves are HEAVY
Domino2005-04-19 20:40:25
How much heavier then a decent scout shield??
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