def war
posted by furbag
2005-05-18 01:53:27

furbag2005-05-18 01:53:27
i made a hobbit def war i need some info is it wrong for me to wear blood encrusted and thick chain mail eh?
Aryon2005-05-18 08:17:08
If I was a hobbit def warrior I would wear like bloody metals, plate greaves/vambs, thin gaunts and ironshods! Then again I wouldn't be hobbit def warrior!
Amras 2005-05-18 09:16:57
I would wear full shining imho.
Rik2005-05-18 11:37:38
That would mean you have to walk / fly to lorien or the blue mountains once in a while to mend that eq :)
Unknown2005-05-18 12:08:17
fine chains
thin/blood/plate metals
db ring
eng bs
= :D
Unknown2005-05-23 16:33:18
Halberd !
Unknown2005-06-14 14:25:39
what is good stats for def war human?
with 18 str btw :P
is it good?

str:18 con:16 per:15 dex:17 wil:12

Unknown2005-06-14 21:35:17
and you should know better
Unknown2005-11-07 04:26:55
Dwarf dynamic warrior:

str:18 con:17 dex:16 wil:16 per:13

Well, not quite a defwar mebbe but can function as such easily with dodge-foci. And can easily be offwar too. Problem is con obviously, if I could count on steady supply of str-rings or if i was third age id switch 1 str to con. If i made a true def-war id settle for 16 str to wield dunadan or ebs.

About the stats above(human war with 18 str), well, the point of being def war is to have defence anough to withstand hit-fleeing (orcs wont stay and parry-split because they might eat bash + spells) while at the same time having hp+wil anough to eat spells. I think the human above fails on hp and wil, while my dwarf fail on hp slightly. Also, putting max on some stat is too expensive when making something more complicated than off war(max str, con, wil, some dex)
Mithfalen2005-11-07 05:03:09
lik 19str n 19 con 14 dex and 15wil dats the best imo
orem2005-11-07 07:37:04
Btw make a dwarf warrior if you want a pounder slasher, but if you want pure def it's all about an elf... with 16 str hi dex hi con 13ish wil and like 15 con or so... for eq scale plus ebs plus bej plus fine grey plus def ring... or fine chain if you can get
Wellknown2005-11-07 08:53:10
Now think about it before making such char. As naked you suck anyhow, you rely completly on eq thus need good groupmates, lab or buddies to recive it. And when you finally get all those nifty shields and rings then all you are good for is buff for nukers. You do shitdamage if any at all, can only see some damaging on higher level or with artifacts.

Meanwhile more balanced choices allow you to kill enemies with less uber equipment and solo. Ofcourse IF you got band of nukers who need uberbuff then sure go for it.
Unknown2005-11-07 10:31:03
If you make a def warrior be an elf and get shield armour and bolt as well as bob str etc, then you are a good buffer with great defence because of shield and are awsome at pk, shash bash and bolt and you can xp solo without taking 6weeks to kill one mob.
Unknown2005-11-07 15:44:22
easy to make thouse stats imho

18 str 18 int 18 wis 18 dex 19 con 17 wil 18 per.
Unknown2005-11-07 19:23:59
There was something I forgot.

Oh yes...

Unknown2005-11-08 01:33:24
more like 15 str 16 int 15 wis 15 dex 16 con 12 wil 13 per
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