getting past a firewall
posted by Billybob
2005-08-14 20:51:19

Billybob2005-08-14 20:51:19
So im stuck behind this firewall now, and no matter what client i use it cant connect. is there anyway to bypass the firewall or something like that?
Unknown2005-08-14 21:09:19
I highly doubt that your firewall blocks telnet and http, unless it is specifically blocking all accesses to Can you see MUME's webpage? If so, you can use the client on the webpage to login from there. Can you use plain telnet to connect to 23? Then you are all set - so can any client if you just set port to 23. If none of this works, maybe they specifically blocked MUME. Try playing from
BIllybob2005-08-15 00:34:05
ok i can go to mume's webpage and look at everything including downloading clients. however when i connect with jmc/powtty using 23 all it says is that is connected to a remote host and then its blank...usually when that login writing should come up...

i went to the

at first most of the page is blocked saying denied as chat/games. but the left side works so i go check out the muds, fine mume and check my connect. it says my connection is fine. so i try to connect to mume using their stuff and everything works fine until telnet pops up and its blank. No writing comes back. i can type stuff but its black and i cant see what im writing...

oh yeah and using mumes mudjc client on the play page, it tries to connect then says couldnt connect to


Unknown2005-08-15 01:25:21
Smells like Norton to me,am i right? If so theres some parentrel control settings etc etc that you have to adjust, i had the same problem.
Unknown2005-08-15 02:42:23
I tried to do some research into encrypted anonymizing proxies for you, and I've had no luck. I found nothing that'd permit playing MUME remotely. (Hell, I've found nothing that'd permit me to make this post through it.)

You wouldn't by any chance have a UNIX account somewhere or a friend who could give you one on his box (Mac OS X also works)? If so, you could connect to that account through ssh (you'd need putty or another ssh application for that). Then, you could telnet or use a UNIX MUD client from there. Your computer may filter even this, but it is quite likely that it does not.

Or, like the previous unknown says, you ought to fix the damn filtering system.
Billybob2005-08-15 03:27:13
well first i think its symantec but the problem is that its not my firewall. Its my college's firewall which also happens to be part of a government network. so basically i cant change the settings.

i also checked up on that ssh stuff and it kept saying how its illegal in most countries so i figured that it probably wouldnt be good to do it on a government network.

and no im pretty sure i dont know anyone with a unix account. oh well i guess im done playing mume for a long time....maybe i can finally get over the addiction :)
Unknown2005-08-15 06:44:44
You have to be kidding me, Billybob. Your comment is the scariest thing I've ever read on

Ssh is not illegal. Ssh and https are the only way to login somewhere remotely, because when you login somewhere through telnet or http, you make your traffic visible and give away your password to anyone who listens, whereas with ssh and https your traffic is encrypted. And if you're on government network, then you definitely should be using ssh or https, since you don't want anyone sniffing your traffic or seeing your passwords!

Can you give me a link to the site that says ssh is illegal in most countries? Whoever said something like this should be shot. Basically, that website is advocating keeping everything that goes through your connection readable to anyone who wants to listen to it.

By the way, I seriously doubt your college's firewall would be doing something like this. I've never seen anyone's network have such a setup.

So don't give up!
Unknown2005-08-15 10:51:24
tried other ports?
like connect to 443?
or some other ports?
Billybob2005-08-15 17:07:53
alright i took your advice and found some programs.

i downloaded two programs from different websites and they both gave me the same problem.

I put in the name and the port name is set as 22. i tried changing the port but im pretty sure its supposed to be 22. it required me to put in a login and password.

now im pretty sure that i put in my name and password for a mume character on my account, but it didnt work,so what is that login and password for?

heres the links to the sites i went to

and no i will not give up

Unknown2005-08-15 20:50:22
I still say the problem is simple enough as hes being blocked from games by Norton/Symantec's parental control settings
Billybob2005-08-16 04:27:51
I getting closer to the problem, i found out why i couldn't access porn sites mostly cuase of symantecs antivirus/parental control thing. as you see my parents wont let me view pages with obsene content therefore i cannot connect to mume. Also because i cant access much with the computer down in the basement of my parents house.

but i will not give up. i am the almighty nerd. i will not give up. i will not give up.
Unknown2005-08-16 05:05:58
well you see im really bored because my life sucks so let me just pretend im someone else to make my pathetic life seem a little better
Billybob2005-08-16 08:09:30
Yes, i agree with the last unknown. You all Unknowns are all copying each others name for no reason at all i dont get why you all copy each other..
Mandor 2005-08-18 22:58:05
Port 22 on is only for Valar or higher (only we can connect to mume with SSH).

One solution for you is to find a unix (or linux) account somewhere, preferably a friend, to which you can SSH (you can do that, since you got the prompt for mume). When you're there, then you telnet to mume. That's how I do when I'm at work, and a few friends do so through my computer too.
Pallnit 2005-08-22 21:43:28
I agree with Mandor, that is the best way by far. I used to play like that for a long time and it really won't lag much more. Just make sure you get an account on a server that doesn't higher your ping! The only drawback that I can see is if you loose link the game won't notice it. Anyways, with new changes this doesn't matter!
Unknown2005-08-23 16:32:16
alright so i can only ssh to someone using a linux or unix operating system? I cant ssh to a computer running windows?
Myrddin2005-08-24 22:32:26
Probably you can, but I fail to see the point... Just get an UNIX account somewhere and you are good to go. Of course, you won't probably be able to use those niftier features associated with clients(dunno, I have luckily never needed to use such 'let's-fix-this-engine-through-the-exhaust-fume-pipe' methods)

So.. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but doesn't this parental control shit in the US suck or what?

AND. ssh illegal????????? If one person thinks that way, there must be loads more.. *sigh* This world is going down the drain at full speed :D
BillyBobMom2005-08-26 23:40:51
BillyBob!!! Get away from the firewall. Don't make me tell BillyBobDad what you're up to again. *sigh*
BillyBobDad2005-08-27 05:40:43
Too late, BillyBobMom, I've already found out. I'm ashamed of you, and I thought Paisa was worse. You're a horrible son. No McDonalds or computer for you for a month!
Mithfalen2005-08-29 10:08:59
i had the same problem when i was trying to play from school but i found out port 8000 is firewall safe so connect to mume via
Mandor 2005-09-02 08:12:21
There are splendid clients for linux/unix shells that can do everything your old clients can (and actually alot more too). I use powwow for this.
Unknown2005-09-02 09:15:27
mm. ok try its a software to run behind a firewall. kinda freeware for its limited version. read the manual ;).. let see you in mume again.
Billybob2005-09-02 14:47:01
well i figured out a few things since i last posted

1) all my telnet ports are blocked on the network. i can actually connect to mume but just cant receieve anything

2) i cant get a unix account because i have to connect through telnet

3) http-tunnells are blocked by network software because there defined as "criminal skills"

4) i cant ssh to mume unless im an immortal
Myrddin2005-09-02 15:58:49
Born in the wrong country?
billybob2005-09-02 16:35:29
more like i went to the wrong school
Mandor 2005-09-02 21:36:15
Point 2 can be fixed. You can connect to unix accounts with ssh. Point 3 too, with a bit of work ;-)
Billybob2005-09-07 07:10:49
does anyone know any websites where i can get an account through ssh?
Billybob2005-09-07 07:14:54
forget it, i finally got it working

For anyone else reading this thread with the same problem as myself

download javaclient from

connect to mume through port 443
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