The handwriting is on the wall.
posted by Nostrodamus
2005-09-11 00:03:43

Nostrodamus2005-09-11 00:03:43
According to official mume frequentation plots, MUME play is down about 40% since September 2004. See:

You remaining addicts should take up golf or something, the end is near.

Thanks to all the Ainur for all the hard work. It wasn't wasted time if you had fun. Well, okay, it was in fact wasted, but it was still fun and it's not like you were going to find the cure to cancer or something anyhow. I hope you enjoy golf just as much. Please don't hurt the gophers.

Thank you and have a nice life. FORE!!!!!!

Mithfalen 2005-09-13 05:42:18
hah thats what i been telling everyone and that fucking cunt head vaire whos children hate her good luck fat hairy bitch i saw your elvenrunes pics SHAVE THAT MUSTACHE mume sux mumes dead burn in hell
Unknown2005-09-13 06:05:41
remember seth use "inside voices" .
Unknown2005-09-13 07:55:34
Don't worry mithfalen. Only a few more years till you hit puberty and then you can have a moustache of your own!
Unknown2005-09-13 20:11:02
i have a bad feeling mithfalen is the kind of kid who brings a loaded gun to school everyday and will eventually be the subject of a Michael Moore documentary.
Britney2005-09-13 21:06:14
Well check his picture on er :P Seth Carrot or Bean or whatever must be future unabomber.
Carrot2005-09-13 23:09:24
Please leave me out of this. I got nothing to do with Seth.

P.S. And if you see Bugs Bunny around, tell him I said he is a fugly scraggily-tailed cabbage munching rodent. He'll know why.
Mithfalen 2005-09-16 00:59:44
i love myself
fingolan2005-09-17 00:28:38
yo mithfalen if i had a sister like you do id jerk off to her sleeping next door or raid her panty drawer or just have sex with her mebbe
Mithfalen2005-09-17 05:23:44
whats your myspace so i can check out urs
Unknown2005-09-17 10:34:39
dont listen to him!hes trying to find out where u live so he can bring a loaded gun and rip u
fingolan2005-09-28 00:50:41
dude if my sister was vaire i would bone her so hard cuz i <3 fatchicx
Unknown2005-10-01 07:35:14
fat in all the fun places? lol thats kinda funny talkin about how ud bone vaire LOL considering shes like 30 something
Unknown2005-10-02 04:48:05
so.. no one else had this "guilty" thought about our vala mother?:P
Unknown2005-10-04 02:17:00
yeah no not really
BugsBunny2005-10-04 07:18:34
I heard your comment carrot, and I just want to let you know how much it hurt. Whenever I eat you, I always do it so softly and tenderly. You're such a meanie.

Btw, I banged Mithfalens sister and shes as loose as a goose. Gotta love those C cups, booyaka.
Sogard 2005-10-05 01:20:25
It's funny how you bitched about Vaire here, then in the log posted up higher, you claim you're not sepha, yet bitched about her the same way.

Now stfu and go kill yourself.
Poison2005-10-05 08:29:44
Eat me Sogard!
Unknown2005-10-05 09:12:38
Sogard is such a meanie, I hope Norsu rapes him with a big rotten stick.
vaccine2005-10-05 22:22:28
im gonna get you poison !
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