dual weapon use
posted by Rattus
2005-10-04 18:01:10

Rattus 2005-10-04 18:01:10
Has Dual Weapon use ever been used in MUME?

Am I the billionth person to ask this?

Low PB like smiting, but more attacks. (Would be great against spell casting mobs and BN/ELFs {we all know how overpowered BNs are! :P}).
Mandor 2005-10-04 22:01:53
It's been asked so many times it's been put on the NOIDEA-list (the list where Manwë puts things he doesn't want in the game, no discussion allowed).
Sogard 2005-10-05 01:17:36
You mean like how visible WPs were a noidea? ;)

I hear he's currently working on the Ent class.
Belath 2005-10-08 13:14:24
I checked the NOIDEA list and didn't find dual weapon use there...
Belath 2005-10-08 17:41:33
P.S. And I DO agree that it would be kinda cool.
Rattus 2005-10-10 17:15:16
It would be an additional class-dependent skill, which would qualify as a NOIDEA:

Additional class-dependent skills. The move is away from unique abilities for classes and towards racial-modifiers of abilities/skills.
portocale2005-10-12 17:42:00
why would any1 want dual wield when they can smithe? :P
Asara 2005-10-13 17:40:20
It sounds like a good idea, but it being on noidea makes it near impossible that it will ever be implemented *sigh*
Rogge2005-10-15 15:01:49
7 dwarves with 14 bda kinda hurt:(
Unknown2005-11-06 23:43:53
We have dualwield already:

cma;wield spear;pwn
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