AHHHH MUME does not work anymore
posted by Sporker
2005-10-18 16:46:24

Sporker2005-10-18 16:46:24
ok I dont know if I am the only one but mume does not seem to work anymore what happened??? Is mume no more? that would be sad :( anyone else having this problem?
Myrddin2005-10-18 18:01:31
WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about? Use fire.pvv.org instead of mume.org to connect to mume and you're OK.
And I would be pretty glad, if MUME died. Less distraction from studying and life (as if I have any, but that's not the point)
QOLGuy2005-10-18 19:08:54
dont be so rude when commenting..
connecting to mume.org does not work any more..
this info do you find on http://mume.pvv.org <-- mume homesite..
or if you just connect to mume.pvv.org or fire.pvv.org when telneting ;)
Read the news and you will understand :
sporker2005-10-18 22:56:15
oh ok well thanks for that it helped me figure out that I can use powtty still just have to change it too mume.pvv.org in the connection thanks, sorry that I was being stupid :P
Myrddin2005-10-19 12:35:57
I am estonian, therefore I cheat. And as we all know, all cheaters are always rude. So... why shouldn't I be rude?
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