Concussion or Smite
posted by Unknown
2005-11-25 05:19:03

Unknown2005-11-25 05:19:03
Ok. I want to make an offensive warrior but I don't know whether I want my main weapon type to be concussion or smite. I know concussion is better for defense and still does good damage. Smite does more damage, but it has crap def and high hit-delay. Any ideas?
EarthDwarf2005-11-25 07:22:28
Take both?
Minsc 2005-11-25 10:08:00
Define Off war.... If u wanna be a pure off war with max str/con and high will U'll get a crappy def anyhow...

I'd go with something like this on a dwarf:

str-19, int-9, wis-8, dex-13, con-19, wil-17, per-10

Could go with less will, but could go with a higher as well... I once made a legend of a dwarf with max str/con/wil, had rocking Ob and rocking hps, but 0 defence.

When it comes to choice of weapons I'd go with Smite/conc.
Max conc/smite for dwarf is 114%. Would get somewhere near that with my stats. Don't need to worry so much about spell-dmg with high will.

Anyways, I find pure off warrs and pure defwarrs to be boring. I'd prefer combo's these days. Join the majority and create a battlemage, lvl it up to lvl 70+ store some quakes and rock the world. :p

ToUnknown2005-11-25 16:32:21
conc for being a tank and smite for being a hitter for group
they are same for solo
Unknown2005-11-25 19:53:53
They are NOT same for solo. Any good warrior kills a smiting warrior 1-on-1 any day.

Either get both or simply go concussion.
ToSecondUnknown2005-11-26 00:43:16
yes they are same for solo dont only consider warr vs warr fights but include also other classes
Wellknown2005-11-26 07:42:10
How can they be same if smite got longer delay than conc?:-)
ToWellknown2005-11-26 17:02:40
more damage or less delay they "nearly" balance out, they are same for my playstyle
Xury2005-11-26 21:33:14
I have max cleaving and 90% smite as an offensive warrior, and I have found it works great. Those two classes also fit alot of pk styles for dwarves.
Unknown2005-11-29 23:39:05
And keep in mind that conc weapons are usually eff vs metal.
filk2005-12-06 23:27:54
i use cleave/pound combo, nice def with battle axe, good damage with MDA vs mobs, and good damage with ornate vs metal. For spirit-type mobs you got BDA, so if you make puke, you will rock vs tha balrog.
Albert2006-01-02 16:16:27
I have killed many conc warriors with my smite on 1 to 1 because i use maxchanted heavy warhammer what is quite devastating.
Garg2006-01-02 22:16:38
Why would you want a off warrior anyway? They're useless in PK and xp, if you want a warrior, a balance between def and off is the best.
Brash2006-01-03 15:00:24
i use conc, cleaving, and like 5-8 pracs in slashing, i only have like 9 base per, but with ebs+ads i get like 155+ def in rd, 140+ outside, so it works for tanking, axe for trolls/bn, hammer for orcs..simple as that if you got the pracs
Garg2006-01-04 05:19:00
Brash is hot n sexy. u'll never be as good as him
Unknown2006-01-05 07:08:11
Brash is cold and nabby. u'll never be as nab as him
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