Newbie stuff
posted by Newplayer
2005-12-18 07:23:12

Newplayer2005-12-18 07:23:12
Hello=) I am new to MUME, and don't know if this site is still active, but I post anyway.

I could use some help with making a character and I dont know anything, except that I want a caster
The reason I dont use the pre-set stats is because a guy told me that they aren't that good.

And i have heard that Combo chars are good? dunno what that is but can somone help me with explaining?=) thnx for your time.
Newplayer2005-12-18 07:43:59
Just wanted to add that I don't only want a mage, will go fine with anything that is recomendable=)
Unknown2005-12-18 10:26:19 isn't really gonna help you much buddy.
Unknown2005-12-18 11:26:34
Combo chars are harder to play, weaker and usually die more easily. I suggest you go for a rather class-strict char to begin with, perhaps up the CON a bit to make it more sturdy.
Newplayer2005-12-18 12:10:45
Ok, so u mean a warrior then?=) then I just need to decide if i want damage or defense. I think i will choose defense cause I like grouping:) defense chars need middle str high con and dex? i just assume
Unknown2005-12-18 12:51:09
Defense chars are often the leaders in groups though. Try a semi-attack warrior with some defense.
Unknown2005-12-18 15:37:15
pre setted chars are good enuf for new players after u reach lvl25 just retire and reroll for ur needs.
some tips: group a lot, learn areas, always play aggressive, get used to dying and re-eqing.
Unknown2005-12-18 18:51:35
Got to agree with the previous poster. Pre-set chars are fine. And, if I was you, I'd definitely make a warrior for your starting char and make a caster later.

If you make your own warrior stats, make sure your int + per is at least 23; this way you can track OK. Wis is almost useless for a pure warrior, so don't get much of that.

I'd say, get high str/con, 14+ dex (more if you want a lot of defense), 13+ wil, int + per of at least 23, and you're an OK basic warrior char.
Unknown2005-12-18 21:13:35
I suggest that you read other discussions on this page. Some of them have really good info for newbie players (from back when this site was decent).
Known2005-12-18 23:04:17
Actually if you're really new you shouldn't try combos so play warrior, it's the easiest class to start with. Newbies that play mage usually end up playing 20 days to reach level 10.
Thelar2005-12-19 03:37:24
well i made my char:) it is named Thelar

You are 34 years old. It's your birthday today!
Your base abilities are: Str:18 Int:12 Wis:6 Dex:15 Con:18 Wil:15 Per:14.

they ok?=)
Unknown2005-12-19 09:33:14
Looks good!
Unknown2005-12-19 20:54:46
Fine stats, Thelar. I'd say pretty much perfect.
Unknown2005-12-20 23:47:24
You'll hit like an ox. Go cleaving; You do massive damage and it is really easy to get a new axe.
Thelar2005-12-21 04:27:45
I am using crushing wepon, isnt that more damage? and I can use slashing for defense?
And why are there so easy getting a new axe=)?
Unknown2005-12-21 05:19:43
I think I'd also pick concussion; it is best against enemy warriors due to eff vs metal. Even a chanted heavy star rocks for damage.

But it is true that it is way easier to get an mda than a legend concussion weapon.

The choice is yours. You could even get both, or get one first, try it, decay and try another.
Thelar2005-12-21 05:37:36
yay my first DT just after i got alot of metals, heavy morning star (max-chanted) metal wall shield and 20g (from a very nice elf:D) I dont feel like playing MUME at all now:[ I dont find the game so fun to play when I need to get new Items over and over again.
Unknown2005-12-21 08:58:15
To Unknown before last Unknown, Oxes hit hard.

To Thelar, that's because you give up too fast and therefore you should eat a cow.
Unknown2005-12-21 18:26:42
You can re-equip that set in less than 10 minutes. Ask mage to quake Ohruk for metals. Kill sodmat olog for heavy star. Reveal metal wall shield to complete re-equip.
Unknown2005-12-22 01:09:31
To last unknown

Ohurk can't be solo quaked anymore.
Unknown2005-12-23 13:16:11
it is changed again u can quake it to death try and see
Thelar2005-12-29 21:46:12
Should i use slashing or cleaving for buffing? and how much dodge should i prac?
Unknown2005-12-29 23:13:02
Max dodge and use cleaving to buff
Thelar2005-12-29 23:23:23
Max dodge? doesnt that make my crushing bad?
Unknown2005-12-30 01:11:10
dont max dodge 10-15 pracs enuf
Unknown2005-12-30 03:42:11
dont max dodge, get 20 at least wont hurt crushing that much if you get balanced pracs
thelar2005-12-30 03:45:50
okay, but ppl say slashing is better for buffing though:P i have 90pb with broadsword on wimpy, with only 1 prac in slashing:P
Unknown2005-12-30 04:58:11
if you're a dwarf cleaving is better
Thelar 2005-12-31 03:42:59
But most axes have -PB or nothing, and broadsword have 5? and isnt the dwarf bonus for cleaving only for OB and i dont need OB when i am gonna use defense?

Btw i made it to hero=)
Thelar 2005-12-31 22:51:35
How much str is needed for slashing? i ask because i am gonna make a combo char:P
Unknown2006-01-01 05:27:04
Combo characters aren't as great as people say they are, I suggest if you're still new you play warrior AND mage first, so you get a good feel of both. Believe me, you're wasting your time making a combochar when you're new :)
Unknown2006-01-01 05:29:09
Also, combochars are very underpowered IMO, I haven't lost a fight with any combo with my pure lvl. 28 warrior, both with good eq.
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