stats for elf scout with best % in thief skills, and with good enough wil so as not to get raped by bns.
2006-01-11 20:49:53
Kay fella... what ya gotta do, is make a fella like this 18 dex, 18per, 15 con, 15 str, 11 wil, 11 int, 8 wis. This will give you 19 dex/per, 15 str/con, 13 wil, and 12 int... good enough wil so your not suffering to much at the hands of bns, enough con/str to have good hits/moves for a scout, and 19 per/dex, so you have near to max scout skills. Have a lovely day!
2006-01-13 06:05:52
Lower some int and 1 wil and get more con imo, 15 con isn't that good for a scout..
2006-01-13 06:34:46
my scout puke scout gets 320+ hp at 26, 145 mp, with 13str,18con,18per,18dex,11wil,10int,8wis orso...and all my skills are 107%, even with some endurance