NOC weakness
posted by Unknown
2006-03-08 23:44:21

Unknown2006-03-08 23:44:21
Anyone find it odd that Monitor/Guthblug is being done continuously these days? NOCs defences are ridiculously weak. How about either upping them or reducing the strength of puke towns, allowing Ingrove/Bree/Fornost to be done more easily. Or is it meant for pukes to be completely safe west of Nen-I-Sul and east of Ford, and darkies are intended to be target practice even in their homes?
unkown2006-03-09 05:49:34
i agree..
Unknown2006-03-09 06:01:14
hello bitch have u seen the strength of great goblin
aTrawl2006-03-09 06:04:02
aHobbit2006-03-09 06:52:56
Unknown2006-03-09 06:56:27
Yeah, GG must be hard since it's so difficult to kill his shadow after pukes leave it alive when he walks crack after all the rest of NOCs defences are dead.
Unknown2006-03-11 00:41:40
Compare the number of times Monitor dies in a day to the number of times Harry the Gatekeeper dies in a day. How many Kormock stabs vs PPI stabs.

I thought "safe areas for newbies to learn commands in" were NOIDEA, but that's basically everything west of Neni, North of Morthan (on a good day when hardons dont go for a southern vacation). And E of Ford, since vale is protected by a smob when he's not trans'd to Bree.
Unknown2006-03-11 02:59:23
Nah, NOC isn't all _that_ weak. It's just quite large compared to the puke cities. Once defense gets there(minute or two if pukes sit still), it's fairly formidable. Quite a few mobs, and they aren't all that weak.
The fact that crack is not a gate/thus unlocked is important. If there was such an entrance to Bree, orcs would run through and stab quite a bit more(or almost whenever they were west).
Rancr2006-03-12 13:02:05
I play pewk skaut, i stab in noc, i play zorc i stab in bree and in noc, i play torc i stab in bree. f0f nabs!
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