No logs anymore
posted by Unknown
2006-03-14 02:10:49

Unknown2006-03-14 02:10:49
Notice how log pages 488-87 span 2000-2002. 2004 ends around page 20. So... between 2000 and 2002 400 pages of logs were posted. Between 2004 and 2006, 20 pages of logs were posted. Why this decrease?
Hmmm2006-03-14 02:37:02
Could be any number of reasons.

Teen stupidity could be one (ie nab auf nabben etc).....

Or mume isn't as popular....
Unknown2006-03-14 13:12:10
Logs are posted on elvenrunes, not here.
Unknown2006-03-19 06:13:07
Frequency of log postings on ER is down also... used to be more than 1 per day, now its like 1 per week. And a lot of crap ones, too.
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