need help..getting past school security
posted by Syco
2006-04-04 01:53:01

Syco2006-04-04 01:53:01
half of the school year i played thru telnet (sucky i kno) but it worked. the spyied o my ass and found out how to block it.. :(

also at my night class i can get on ad elvenrunes and everything...i can even get on the mud client...but it says could not connect to (or something like that..)

could any of you smart peeps help me out...i would be most grateful :)
Unknown2006-04-04 06:24:29
I can help you, just post your mume username and password and I will, using Mandor's Hackit v2.5 build 25059, enter the school's firewall as soon as you attempt to log on, and I will disable it. Just tell me when you're online and when you're going to log on so I can execute the bypass.
Unknown2006-04-04 13:56:49
connect thru port 8080 or 443?
Mandor 2006-04-04 16:29:52
I have no program like that, but all firewalls can be pierced, it's just a matter of your dedication to the problem.

My advice to you is to try some of the ports the commenter above mentioned.
Vick 2006-04-05 17:46:57
that first unkown is trying to trick u i think syco....
Unknown2006-04-05 18:08:51
I have the same problem. would like to change ports.but how? when i click the link directly from mume page/play there's no menu available and it closes automatically. thx much for tips
Unknown2006-04-05 18:12:56
Well, actually, tried it, launching directly telnet and it works!!! :-)
But the usual problem I encounter with telnet is that I don't see what I type on the command line. Is there a way to see it? Thx
Unknown2006-04-05 18:17:17
Finally, I tried to download powwty from the site and it works too, so everything's just perfect :-)
Debo2006-04-05 21:26:32
If they blocked outgoing telnet you won't be able to evade it through a program that defaults telnet to it's typical port. You can try ordering a unix shell account from one of the many providers in the world, typically look for something with the best route to your schools infrastructure. Once you get the account (it needs to be ssh'able) download putty or some other ssh application (putty can be kept on a floppy disk) - ssh to the account, and play through that account on a program called powwow (which is what powtty is derived from). Make sure the place you order the account from is willing to install powwow or allows your to install it in your local account. But if your school finds out you're using ssh they'll probably block that.
Unknown2006-04-06 09:49:18
i think you should ask erebos to FLOD EM!
Rancr2006-04-06 12:01:20
To see what you're typing on telnet, just open up the "options" and click something about "local echo" or something, i forgot what it was, and if port is firewalled then i suggest you to try different ports: 4242, 23, 443, 8080.

I once played from a internet cafe, it was running SiteKiosk and no access to telnet was possible, neither you coulda launched java or by clicking the link, but of coz, i found the way:)
(from Program section i opened MediaPlayer, from MediPlayer i clicked open, located telnet.exe on windows folder, right-clicked on the icon, clicked on "Run" and voila, free muming!)
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