Information about the PVV-server.
posted by Ilie
2006-05-01 19:05:33

Ilie2006-05-01 19:05:33
As you all know, the server has been exploring some downage and it will be down for quiet some time now, as the staff on the location where the server is (NTNU, Trondheim.) have decided that they will start taking rent-fee for the server-space and we dont have the economy to keep the server where it is at this point.

Until further notice the game will be offline and I suggest you find yourself another MUD as it might not come up at all.

However, if it comes up and going I have found out that resetting the whole game (meaning: Everyone starts from scratch and everything is deleted, ofcourse not zones and the game itself, but the players and so on.) is a good idea. This will hopefuly start a new epoke of playstyle and I hope people will find it in their interests as the game today is not only scaring new players away, its even scaring old players away and to quit the game!

That would be all, I thank you for your time with me, It has been a fun timeline of years and good luck further on!

Wrack2006-05-01 19:17:14
Cant say that i was expecting this to happen so soon.
Unknown2006-05-01 19:26:47
this is for real? Deleting characters and such? why not just move it and keep going..
Unknown2006-05-01 20:13:12
Unknown2006-05-01 20:17:22
stars next to names, it would then be real.
Unknown2006-05-01 20:23:48
So is this a matter of server space, or what will it trake to make sure this game doesnt go away?
Elemmire2006-05-01 20:44:37
This is posted by some teenager and not Ilie.

1. Ilie can spell, the poster clearly cannot.

2. If NNTU were going to start charging they would have notified the server admins in advance, not simply pull the plug out.

3. The economy of FIRE is a matter for the members of FIRE and not Ilie alone, a vote would need to be taken to decide if there was enough funding available or not.

4. A player wipe is on the noidea list. This point alone should be enough to tell you it is a hoax.

5. If management wanted to post info to the community they would use ER where their identity can be verified and not here.

So... Stop panicing. Most likely reason for downtime is that there is a pwer failure to the server room that Mume is in. Either that or the cleaner has unplugged it again (this happened once before).
Finwë2006-05-01 20:48:15
I agree with all of Elemmire's points except I'm not sure they would favour ER over MUME.NET - I think Ilie has posted here before, but not today (so far).
Unknown2006-05-01 20:57:02
Elemmire,'s identity verification is even better than the one on elvenrunes, which I find.. lacking at best. It's just that it is very rarely used :)
Unknown2006-05-01 21:02:49
This is definitely not Ilie.

Anyone know anyone from Trondheim who could run there and plug the computer in?
Ranka2006-05-01 22:23:43
Hmmm.. let me think.. is just like a MUME WC, where players can "empty their bodies" without any punishment or restriction! They can do what they want, they can say what they want! They can post "cool" logs (as this log) or previous logs - something "fucking pierce" or "penis orc".

Here should be sign: "Older than 18 - GO AWAY". Teenager house!
Manwë2006-05-01 22:34:22
The above is a hoax.
pils2006-05-01 22:40:38
hey, i'm not being funny here, i shall not be banned!:P
ManwePhD2006-05-01 22:51:55
Thank you Ilie for your dedication to Mume for over 10 years. If we had any money, I'd give you a gold watch. I am so pleased at all we were able to accomplish in the time we've had.

Thanks, too, to all who played and all who contributed. You've all been wonderful subjects for my project. I have now completed my dissertation entitled "The Social Dynamics of Online Communities in an Environment of Induced Stress as Measured by the International Index of Boundaries, Livestock, Occupation, Warmongering, Misanthropy and Education (the BLOWME Index)." It's 1,400 pages long, so I can't really share it here and its mostly a bunch of gibberish anyway. The bottom line: The United States exceeded every imaginable expectation and the sheep in Estonia should be really, really nervous.

But, alas, now that I have my Doctorate in Human Psychology and prospects for a job paying more than miniumum wage (a little bit more anyway), Mume is closed for good and I release you all upon what's left of human civilization as we know it.

Ilie, why don't you go ahead and sell the server. Buy yourself a gold watch and send me the balance so I can buy something nice for myself, too.
Unknown2006-05-01 23:24:55
is today April 1st or May 1st?
aldweth2006-05-02 00:10:09
seriously, you ppl are gonna believe something on ? if u need reassurance on the matter, go read the graffitti wall, you will lose brain cells.
Ilie2006-05-02 01:28:44
Yeah Manwe, I'd like to take this time to tell you how much I've liked our work together and that theese past years have been an incredible experience and that I hope we can find something more that we can help eachother out.

Regarding the I hope it will be online so we could all comunicate and tell eachother how we have explored other things than to play (me, on the other hand, have not playing the MUD for aprox. 6 years, but I've seen and heard things that have went beoynd my mind! I didnt think that the game would grow into such big game and that so many people would get involved in playing it!)

Again, thank you all who have been playing the game, I hope you find something useful to do in weekends, holidays and sometimes in workhours!

toigan2006-05-02 01:48:09
intresting! i checked its may 1, not april 1. And Manwe for that last comment im going to fly over there and find your sheep for you!
i seriously doubt mume will be down forever, hell just sell the rights to the game to someone and open it back up.

Comet2006-05-02 03:07:34
nu quacke sucx
Unknown2006-05-02 05:47:06
Manwe posted on ER - not sure exactly what's happening now, but MUME will be back. I'm personally ready to thank any god or aratar who's listening.
Unknown2006-05-02 06:48:02
so if cleaner unplugged the server once already and this makes twice and he is STILL living? And they say mumers have no self control ;)
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