Whats wrong?
posted by Shitbag
2006-05-23 04:16:07

Shitbag2006-05-23 04:16:07
Whats wrong with the name Shitbag? I tried to register it but :

oO HP:Fine>
The voice of the Ainulindale whispers to you 'That name is unacceptable. When you think of a new name just pray it.'

I don't know why they won't let me use Shitbag for a troll. I think it's a good name for the troll race, who are a bunch of dumb piece of towering shit bags. I think the management needs a review.
Hmmmm2006-05-23 04:52:36
The name is offensive.

Grow up.
Shitbag2006-05-23 07:46:32
Shitbag is not an offensive name. Shit has other meanings besides feces.

Crapsack2006-05-23 08:03:22
Go tell your Mommy that she is full of crap. Then go tell your Daddy (or whichever Uncle is passing as your Daddy this week) that he is full of shit. Come back and tell us which one beat the crap out of you and which one beat the shit out of you. You will come back bruised, but you will come back with a much better understanding of the difference between the terms "crap" and "shit."

And I would let you name your troll Shitbag. It just fits you so perfectly. It's not like there are delicate sensitivities on Mume that are likely to be genuinely offended. In an average 7 minute session you'll hear much worse on narrate and there's about an even bet that it will be an ainu narrating it.

And don't ever grow up. Just try to get through puberty without hurting yourself or others.
Shitbag2006-05-23 09:58:43
Well I told my mom that she is full of crap but she laughed. I told my daddy that he is full of shit and he asked me if I was drunk again. I guess I didn't never learn the difference between crap and shit. That will not hinder me though.

Thank you much Crapsack. You are my inspiration against the self-proclaimed police of naming. One day I will be like you and fight for my name on text-games as well. I don't know what you meant by don't ever grow up, doesn't everyone grow up? Lol. Well thanks for the tips, cya.
Fecessuitcase2006-05-23 10:15:29
I think you're both full of shit. Why to make so much hassle about some stupid namechoice? Get laid!
Shitbag2006-05-23 11:07:52
Mr. Fecesssuitcase, next time why don't you read my first post? Bravo on making yourself look like a fool though.
Gal2006-05-23 13:43:28
I would kick both your retarted asses, but I'm stoned.
Fecessuitcase2006-05-23 20:30:09


Shitbag2006-05-23 21:53:23
Gal don't try to embarass your little self by saying things like that. Also put down the joint, little boys like you who can't handle drugs shouldn't be trying those things yet.
Buttmunch2006-05-23 23:18:33
I don't think Gal really posted that. Only one of ten words was misspelled and they formed a reasonably coherent sentence. An imposter, I'd say, an imposter!!!!
Comet2006-05-23 23:53:37
new quakce sux

Quakce2006-05-24 00:01:28
Comet sux!

Shitbag2006-05-24 06:11:29
You both sux, now kthxbye stupid nabs get away from my thread.
butplz2006-05-24 06:39:39
butplz, noone cares plz.

To get your name accepted:

Take picture of self.
Mail to V+
They realize that you DO like like your name.
They allow name.
Unknown2006-05-24 07:46:57
But V+ are pedophile butplz!
mmmmm2006-05-24 11:35:01
Puberty? Sounds like a kind of porridge :P
Shitbag2006-05-24 11:51:55
Getting a little off-topic folks, back to the subject. Anyways, so Yavanna's a whore and stuff. She banned Shitbag from the name list, hah.
Gal2006-05-24 15:31:39
You are all a bunch of ignorant pussies. You wish you had my skills. You wish you had my drugs. You wish you had sex with half as many hot girls as me.

Just stfu, everyone knows your all just a bunch of euro trash living off the government. We should just enslave people like you. Your not good for anything but cleaning toilets anyway.
Comet2006-05-26 07:49:13
new quakce stillsux sowhat?
TexasRules2006-06-05 00:30:23
your face is wrong thats whats wrong you fucking eurotrash
quaker2006-06-05 01:28:20
regular/old/new quake is the best stfu comet
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