posted by Gal
2006-06-02 05:03:00

Gal2006-06-02 05:03:00
Why is everyone so mean to me on the graffiti wall?
Bruno2006-06-02 06:50:04
Because we don't know where you live. Post your address and we'll come be mean to you rl.
Hedo2006-06-02 16:07:07
I dont have anything against you Gal, so dont worry
Gal2006-06-02 16:13:09
To bad your a little cock sucking faggot. I am worried about what real people think about me, not nobodies like you. Metrosexuality ftw!
Hedo2006-06-03 11:21:49
lol Gal that is the reason people unlike you if you talk that much shit about people. You should think about what you say and you fakken get a clue why people dislike you, bitch.
Gal2006-06-03 12:08:02
Hedo, stfu and go pick my little curly hairs out of your mom's teath. Assuming she even has teeth you idiot.
Gal2006-06-04 01:54:56
Oh and Hedo, I bet you're nothing but a eurotrash cheating piece of crap, so stfu and go cheat with all your eurotrash friends.
Grisnat2006-06-04 06:12:56
$100 says "Gal" isn't Gal, but whatever. One day you kids will actually realize there is more to life than stealing your mom's cigarettes and masturbating. Until then, enjoying parading your ignorance around and pretending that just because you can say "fuck" means that you know what one is.
Unknown2006-06-04 06:39:25
gal is a loser who likes to wear girls clothing check out brash's profile and u see him showing his chicken legs
Earole 2006-06-04 16:13:16
why is everyone so mean to gal?
Unknown2006-06-04 23:22:11
Unknownuberkiller2006-06-05 00:08:27
I agree that the person posting shit as gal ISN'T gal but he does have a temper afaik. I've had no problems with him other then him spamming me to do bw which isn't really a problem *hehe* but I have heard he will get very defense and shit... meh
Gal2006-06-05 00:15:11
I dont have a temper but my dick got a temper all over your mom.
Unknown2006-06-05 01:25:55
yeah not gal himself only silly teens who think they are funny... or immature adults
Unknown2006-06-05 03:09:19
Why? Why do people feel the need to swear and say ugly words for no reason?
Unknown2006-06-05 05:15:51
Immature adults = Mature teens??
Gal2006-06-05 08:29:04
Why didn't you do bw with me looser? Well, im out. Totally stoned ftw
Lag2006-06-05 08:30:24
Did you know Gal backwards is Lag?
Unknownuberkiller2006-06-05 20:55:05
immature adults doesn't mean teens, they're worse then teens! They supposed to be setting the example, a good example, but they actually encourage the teen's behaviour! Teens have an excuse, we were all one once and all acted pretty much the same as they always do. So next time you wanna insult someone, don't call em a teen, call them a immature adult!
Unknown2006-06-18 07:12:20
lol gal butplz nab
Gal2006-06-18 22:11:19
If you had any balls you'd post your name 'Unkown'... the only balls you have are the ones on your chin!
Unknown2006-06-19 14:34:36

Earole 2006-06-19 20:32:56
i pwwn you!
Gal2006-07-03 05:11:22
Snakr stoled my ER and MUME account and cheated so I ate some demotes. Worthless peice of crap. I hate all you non fair fighting faggots.
FIngolan2006-07-03 05:41:14
Gal maybe you should take lessons from me, best way to fairfight is brolg bushes
Unknown2006-07-08 10:10:30
STOLE YOUR ACCOUNT? PLZ YOU CHEATING FUCK you couldnt level a fawking bn if your life depended on it, fucking cheating little girl, go cut your hair, and grow some balls irl, loser
Gal2006-07-08 16:42:39
Oh, big mister tough guy, doesn't even show his name. Fawking cowards ftw! I grew my stick on your mom last night.
Unknown2006-07-08 20:47:08
gal, YOU ARE A FEMALE you fucking girl, omg, just admit it
Gal2006-07-09 01:18:02
so what if i was born with a vagina? thats none of your fucking business, and so what if im gay, its not a crime!
Elizalde 2006-10-17 06:12:12
Who is Gal?
Unknown2006-10-17 07:02:28
gal is usafag from usa who quit teh game after fiding out he sux
Unknown2006-10-17 08:34:01
because he is from usa
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