who would you do?
posted by Unknown
2006-06-20 03:01:32

Unknown2006-06-20 03:01:32
If you could have sex with 1 fellow mumer who would it be and why?

Mines is lowyn cause shes always has had nice 'equipment'
Bizzle2006-06-20 04:39:11

Im a guy but I would definetely fuck Ridley in the ass because he is one damn sexy motherfucker damn.
Unknown2006-06-20 08:15:30
lowyn is a cow rl
Incognito2006-06-20 15:00:12
Ling! she's very hot! But she has big feet !
Earole 2006-06-20 19:19:19
Unknown2006-06-21 08:13:03
Shimmer, anal ofc
Unknown2006-06-21 15:25:23
i would fuck me and me only! I am olready doing it, free pics for everybody!
Unknown2006-06-21 17:17:03
ling... duh
Earole 2006-06-21 18:35:23
yea, i'll tell ling that shes on the top of mume.nets sexlist.. haha
Unknown2006-06-22 02:14:10
Your mom is on my sexlist. At least finished-sexlist.
Unknownchick2006-06-22 05:50:09
I wouldn't want to do it with any .cz or .ee cause seeing how small balls they have, I don't even wanna see the whole package...
Unknown2006-06-22 05:51:46
You don't wanna see it.. who cares, you can't see it anyway.
SAmericanMale2006-06-22 16:12:35
Unknown2006-06-22 21:19:15
Foxen, check out her profile on ER
Aribeth2006-06-23 21:00:02
Snakr2006-06-23 21:00:20
comet2006-06-24 04:24:50
new quakce sux
Earole 2006-06-24 19:20:51
you know the new quake is the same as the old quake?
Unknown2006-06-24 22:54:24
Ling or Allison.
Unknown2006-06-24 23:50:40
Your mom
Unknown2006-07-31 11:38:33
My mom doesn't play MUME, lol.
Known2006-08-03 04:44:09
Winzy2006-08-07 10:51:46
Estonian2006-08-08 12:28:43
goatsex warlords!
Unknown2006-08-09 10:20:04
Vaire fosho
SusyGoat2006-08-10 11:44:39
Haunga rox!!!
Unknown2006-08-10 16:54:21
*puke* Vaire is fat as a fucking hippo, but she might be fuckable, if she loses weight.
HippoJoe2006-08-11 08:56:12
Vaire da bestest! Stay just the way you are, you blubberlicious hot mamma you.
Unknown2006-08-11 21:59:24
I changed my mind now, Taqui !!
Unknown2006-08-12 15:47:41
anal vaire ftw
Stolb2006-08-14 15:08:54
i would do aza, he has so dreamy eyes
Winzy2006-08-19 23:41:10
Taqui looks nice! ;D
Kheldur2006-08-25 00:49:15
Mithfalen's sister plz?
Unknown2006-08-27 09:45:51
I would chainsaw gutsfuck Sogard
SurgeonGeneral2006-08-27 22:11:55
WARNING: Gutsfucking Sogard is a leading cause of sexually transmitted diseases. Always wear protection. Wash your you-know-what thoroughly with peroxide after each gutsfucking. This is for your own protection. You know it's true.
Unknown2006-08-30 23:53:27
I direct your attention to the ER profile of pTantric.
Unknown2006-09-03 05:19:53
Alvin - the Wall of Dorpat!
Unknown2006-09-03 08:11:13
jessica alba
ANONYMOUS2006-09-03 19:59:05

Unknown 2006-10-20 00:41:59
vaires fat ass
someone2006-10-20 01:01:46
i'd take tyris
Ridley2006-10-23 19:24:36
I am by far the best looking player in this game.
You would all choose me.
Stop lying to yourselves.
Unknown2006-10-27 09:31:50
I'd do Shimmer, Allison, Taqui, Tyrus and Tyris!
Mandor 2006-10-27 10:31:09
I'm sure you believe this is flattering, but it's not quite nice. I'm closing the thread.