Re-opening soon: NEW AND IMPROVED MUME
posted by Manvve
2006-07-11 22:56:08

Manvve2006-07-11 22:56:08
Sorry for the inconvenience and intrigues, my friends. Contrary to what you've heard, MUME has actually been down while we re-tool, do some coding tweaks for MUME X and move the new super-server to our new world headquarters in Topeka, Kansas. The new MUME is really great! We'll be on line soon with new sound and graphic features, new & improved equipment, special training sessions, pre-developed character acquisition (no need to start at level 1, legend characters can be bought and sold) and much, much more!!! We've had to do a player wipe to make these changes, but starting over is going to be worth it. YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE THESE CHANGES!!!

We should be back on line by Friday. Hang tight for the grand re-opening.

When you log in, make sure you select the returning Mumer on the opening screen so you get your good customer discount of 2% on the new annual subscription fee of $199.99US (subscribe for two years for $359.99US and SAVE!!!). Coupons and other discounts not combinable.
Free wormhide to the first 50 subscribers.

Thanks and hope to see you there.
Caesar 2006-07-11 23:00:32
Oh goodie, the wormhide will make it all worthwhile for sure
Hedo2006-07-11 23:14:16
Some people are really bored when mume is down i suppose :p
Boofhead 2006-07-12 01:13:15
Who is Man v v e?
Halp2006-07-12 02:04:19
what the hell does this mean ? :-O
It won't be free ? :-((((
I hate paying for playing games, so it seems you will have one player less. Actually i guess that all czechs hate paying for playing too, so good luck with your crazy reopening. :-(
KingBruce2006-07-12 03:00:54
This is the most unfairest change ever to Estonia. $199.99 is over 2X the gross national product of Estonia. Since the average .ee player have about 10 accounts, we would go brokes before even one estonian have a chance to cheat on new MUME. *sob* We must sell many goats to get so much money. Sell goats?!! NEVER!! We can live without MUME, but we cannot live without love. Goodbye MUME, we laugh to think you will like to have the honest non-cheating MUME game without us. Haha on you!!!
Unknown2006-07-12 04:40:31
so we will have to pay? what if we want to continue playing the mume that we are on? not a new *quote on quote* better version?
and i dont understand what he said about our characters? we have to buy them now?... :( so unfair
dude2006-07-12 04:45:38
can some one translate this to english please?
estonian2006-07-12 04:53:40
bleat bleat bleat bleat

bleat bleat bleat bleat bleat bleat
bleat bleat
bleat bleat bleat 199.99 bleat bleat
bleat bleat

bleat bleat bleat bleat bleat bleat bleat
bleat bleat bleat bleat bleat estonia rawqs bleat bleat
esotnia rawqx bleat bleat
Halp2006-07-12 05:39:21
Yeah the czech republic is just a poor state with people who all copy and burn cds. Yes, you may say that we are a guild of looters, but maybe looters are just a politics and those who are in charge of our economy. Because our economy really sucks. And i bet, that everywhere to the east from our country is the same situation.
For example: average month salary is here something about 8000 crowns. And one original game costs around 1000-2000 crowns. Unbelievable for you americans, isn't it ?
And the very last thing> the rate of exchange:
1 dollar = 22 crowns, so quick calculation will show, that average czech need a full month of work to have money on your subscribtion (of course without paying for food, water, electricity, gas, taxes etc.). I myself am in much worse situiation, because i am a poor student and i never had such a huge amount of money on my hand....
So if this subscribtion is compulsory, then goodbye forever...
Let me ask you very last question pls: why you just can't let the game for free and give some interesting and playable advantages to those who are willing to pay ?!? This is really common procedure in online gaming. And believe me that it is effective. (for example look at Adventure Quest) Thank some Ainur for answer.
Your Halp
SomeAinur2006-07-12 06:04:35
Real Mumers don't need food, water, electricity or gas and I don't think any of them pay any taxes except sales tax. And that's only when they get caught shoplifting and have to pay for the merchandise they stole.

So, suck it up, and scrape together the admission fee. Maybe you could sell some blood or a relative. Just trying to be helpful.

Hoping to see you at the Grand Opening on Friday! You're going to LOVE the new MUME!!
Arkane2006-07-12 08:42:43
No way guys! If ever I have witnessed anything really wrong then it is this change to mume! This is soooo ridiculous. Everyone was happy with the old mume, and I really dont believe that there was only one sould that recommended such a change. I have really come to like mume, but being free of any fee was an important feature about that. And the fact that one has to start from lvl1! Dudes, I don't know what you were thinking when you did this, or if you were thinking at all, but to make the offer of buying chars? Citing Mume: You ARE mad! Now mume has become an ordinary cliché and is based on commerce and not fun. It almost breaks my heart! This awesome JRR-Game ruined by what? Greed? Stupidity? I mean, I have played muds with more laags... like 1sec=1realisation of pressing enter...
And I agree with Halp, you should leave those who don't want these WONDERFUL, MAGNIFICENT, BREAKTHROUGH advantages play the old mume.
To Manvve: How can one like changes when
1. Like the game as it was be4
2. Didnt want any change
3. Is FORCED to pay for unwanted changes.
Well ok I won't pay for that either, haven't encountered a mud that is even in the slightest way as awesome as OLD mume, but well I seem to be forced to do so now.
*Cry* *Sob* *Whine*
Still, if the brain of this TERRIFIC idea comes back to his/her or rather its senses (can't be more intelligent than a car, and not even as fast..) then gimme a tell by commenting on this log.
And again...
... this really hurts Inventor of this crap...
I m gonna ask God for harsh punishment, cause I mumer of the old days can't forgive such a crime.
With this I conclude my carreer as a mume player, and wish those who let themselves be forced to pay good luck...
Yours OLD-Mume-loving Arkane, Fizban; Shaladriel etc.....
Arkane2006-07-12 08:48:20
Ps.: If I get the people responsible for this in my hands......
Taurin 2006-07-12 10:51:44
uh guys, for your information, the dude is just bluffing...
they would never make us pay for MUME
Earole 2006-07-12 14:02:29
mm, the name man V V e says so.. NABS
SocKum2006-07-12 17:27:46
you guys they tryed something like this for april fools, noobz dont listen to him
Halp2006-07-12 18:43:37
i hoped that it is some kind of crazy joke, because MUDs should really be always free just because of their ancient origin. Yeah you got me. See you.
Arkane2006-07-12 18:54:53
Ok you got me too there.
Still! This was not a good joke, my grandma makes better jokes! I was shocked and had to take extra hours with my psychiatrist... cost me tons (so actually i did pay for this mud...)
Halp2006-07-12 23:45:12
Arkane: maybe Manvve still deserve to rest in pieces ;-))
Ulwe 2006-07-13 03:03:19
Heh, posted on says it all... I prolly wouldn't believe it if it was posted on ER by some God either...
Unknown2006-07-13 05:56:30
LOL, I can't tell if u guys actually believed him for a second or were stating ur would be feelings if something as outrageous as this actually occured. Anyways it was funny but comeon, im having mume withdrawals as I did with everquest, world of warcraft, tibia, runescape, neopets... etc.
EstonianChild2006-07-13 10:28:46
Help manvve molested me. My butthole is hurting now. Manvve you idiot, butsecks your own goat!
Hedo2006-07-13 12:02:32
lol people actually fell for it :p
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