I need some advice. What would be a good set of stats for creating an orc warrior?
2006-09-05 03:41:27
LIKE DIAM 20 20 20 20 20 20
2006-09-07 01:06:36
max con max str 13 dex and 14 per and 14 wil
2006-09-12 00:23:50
19+ str, 19+ con, 13+ dex, 13+ wil, and int + per that allow you to get 90+ track (generally it means you need at least 13 per and sum of them at least 23). Go check the blackshadowclan.mine.nu statgenerator. Basically, you want to have str/con no less than 1 below max, dex and wil of at least 13, and you want to have at least 90% track.
2006-09-12 00:25:45
(to the previous unknown - those stats you are suggesting are unachievable, or I'd love to have them myself)
2006-09-12 18:17:53
Base abilities: Str:19 Int:8 Wis:7 Dex:16 Con:19 Wil:12 Per:14.
2006-10-07 03:36:06
Int 8??? That means that IF you want to track...You'll suck at it