Pwaar or Shevraun...
posted by Unknown
2006-10-04 21:37:30

Unknown2006-10-04 21:37:30
Who is teh sexiest, Pwaar or Shevraun...
thebalrog2006-10-04 21:38:40
both are ugly and blind. and they suck imo.
Shevraun2006-10-04 22:44:22
OMG, stop posting in my name? :P
Pwaar2006-10-06 08:27:57
i'M t3H se><i3Sttt!!
Unknown2006-10-06 19:27:39
Sardotjen u gay horny mofo!
Brash 2006-10-13 09:11:18
yep, i agree with the fake pwaar, i am pretty sexy :)
Allure2006-10-13 23:28:00
Pwaar the pathetic luvz the mume punany cuz liek he can't get any real hoz omglolz crunchybonerface
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