General Mume tips and 'tricks'
posted by Hadorn
2006-10-31 00:57:41

Hadorn2006-10-31 00:57:41
Hello fellow Mumers and forum lurkers.

I want some help from the 'older' players of MUME.
Me and perhaps many other do not know MUME that good and would like some pointers on just about anything that relates on advancing your character, aswell as yourself as a person.
This means you can write about a thing or two that helped you back in the days you were exploring.

such as:
How to act (adding this because some people don't act very good.)
where to get EQ
Where to get money
Where to go @ wich level
Where to NOT go @ that level
What to kill @ that level
Info about how stuff works. such as spellsskills
Where the most dangerous areas for PK is

I am sure you can all think of something to contribute in this little thread:)
Hadorn2006-10-31 01:00:35
Here is my contribute : >

this is a great statgenerator wich helps alot when creating a new character.

there may be some people which didn't know this existed: )

Theese small things can increase the chance of new players coming to this MUD and also improve the 'newbies' if you catch my drift=)
Unknown2006-10-31 01:23:24
I can give you some info, but it's pretty much orc centered...
Hadorn2006-10-31 01:35:04
Well share it with us anyway!:D
Wellknown2006-10-31 07:35:22
2)die and learn from it
3)repeat two first steps on daily basis

Play some dwarf warrior or elf scout at first. Seek for groups, tag along. Learn deathtraps. Loot mobs you kill and sell stuff, learn what items are worth selling and what are better left in corpse. Butcher animals for pelts and furs, sell those. Gathere herbs and sell those, learn what herbs are worth picking up. At first better stay west of Bree, 100% safe haven.
Unknown2006-11-01 01:22:06
Wellknown really has no idea what he's talking about.

You want my advice, go into the wilderness, but be prepared. Get yourself a nice map, get enough food/water (more focus on food), a mount, some good equipment and make sure your character can handle to take on mobs. Now start exploring areas that you want. You wanna learn ABR, start going there and room by room try to see what's there etc. I recommend a warrior cleaver, be it dwarf/orc.

If you keep your moves high and have a good idea of how to get back home then you should be more then fine. Just watch out from closables or stabbers.
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