posted by Unknown
2008-10-13 10:46:37

Unknown2008-10-13 10:46:37
Question! Someone told me willpower affects how much damage your attack spells do (as a mage) is this true? Because I always thought the % in guild was related to damage, and wil is not used for bolt/ball/spray etc.

And 12 wil mage vs 15 wil, 101% sleep vs 105%. Would it really make that big of a difference if you levelled up to 50?
Saxaboom2008-10-18 01:19:17
From what I understand, spell damage is a factor of the % visible in guild, your level, and some specific formula for each spell. So since wil does not factor into spell % in guild for mage attack spells, wil should not factor into damage for those spells, such as spray/fball/bolt, only int, wis, and per.

As for the level vs. %, they are both a factor. Let's take a level 25 mage with 105% is sleep for example. His spell level comes out to 25 * 105% = 2625. A mage with 101% sleep needs then to be 25.99 (real level... so actually about level 35) in order to have an equal spell level. However, I think there is also some factor of target's level vs your level that will affect success, so the level 35 mage probably will succeed better even with the same spell level than the level 25 mage.

If I'm wrong on this someone correct me please, cuz I don't really play mage much!
Ågran2008-11-07 16:19:38
Levels always make a big difference, but imho sleep is bound to wil in more ways than %(A max wil caster is able to sleep players without problems at legend lvl). I'm under the impression that wil affects spelldamage on ALL spells. I've been playing both max wil mages and low wil mages and from what I've seen it makes some difference.
Ninjzor2008-11-10 20:47:29
Levels and wilpower makes no differance at all. Ågran is way out of line, since compared to me is a complete nab when it comes to stats. :D

What does make a differance is name of your character. V+ have secretly for quite some time now implemented a secret variable, that is decided by V+'s when they see a new character being created. Ninjzor for example is classed as an A (the list goes from A to Z, where A is being the highest), which makes my spells among the most powerful in the game.

Other characters have also been discovered to have A-spells, among others Ostu and Lowyn.

So you gotta make a new character with a supercool name to get kickass-spells!
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