I will be changing some hardware on the server soonish, which might force me to change IP. So while the DNS are updating, the site might be unreachable for a short time.
Just a warning, if that happens the site will be back as soon as possible. Fret not.
2004-08-07 01:35:12 - Written by Mandor
Mume.net Reopens
After a short recess, I'm glad to announce the reopening of Mume.net.
Mume.net continues to be avaliable for everyone, and allows anonymity for the masses. Among the new features however, people are able to prove who they are when posting, with accounts and aliases.
You can read more about these features on the help page, including the use of the test account and what all those golden stars really mean.
2004-05-21 15:46:58 - Written by Mandor
Mume.net Opens
The site is now fully operational.
Feel free to use the features as either without logging in or with your account and aliases. More of the functions can be read of on the help page.
If you want to test an account, use test / test as login/password.